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  • Hall | Managing Your New Home

    HALL (GROUNDFLOOR) Is the problem related to the ... CEILING ? or ... ELECTRICAL ? or ... FLOOR ? or ... HEATING ? or ... WALL ? or ... WINDOW ? ​ SELF-DIAGNOSIS Useful checklist If you have just moved in, here are some important reminders: APPLIANCE WARRANTIES Don't forget to complete all of the warranty cards for your fitted electrical appliances. Keep a copy and send them off to the manufacturer. Should you ever need to report a fault, you know they will have proof of your cover. BOILER SERVICE Make a note in your diary to book a service in 12 months time. Failure to maintain annual services could invalidate your warranty cover. WATER AND GAS SHUT-OFF VALVE Make sure you (and other responsible members of the household) know where to find the shut-off valves for water supply and (if applicable) gas. METER READINGS Make a note of your meter readings for your electricity supply, water and gas (if applicable). Keep it somewhere safe. HOW TO ... There are various 'maintenance' tasks you will need to perform around your home, from time-to-time. Take a look at our 'How To ' videos.

  • Ceiling | Managing Your New Home

    CEILING Is the problem ... Small holes revealing screw heads ? Guidance : These are known as ’screw-pops’ and the small amount of filler covering the screw head has ‘popped-off’. It isn’t serious, purely cosmetic. If it is the odd few then you should fill these yourself when you next decorate. If, however the problem is extensive, report it as a defect - all you need do in the description box is quote the code SP and state: * Ceiling * Which room (nothing else, no explanation, just this) . Please be advised we tend to leave such issues until the end of the first year as more may occur as the drying out continues. Tape joints showing between sheets of plasterboard ? Guidance : This is paper tape used in the process of filling the joint between sheets of plaster board. It isn’t serious, purely cosmetic. If the problem is mild and only affects a part of a single seam, you should fill this yourself when you next decorate. If, however the problem is extensive, report it as a defect - all you need do in the description box is quote the code BTJ and state: * Ceiling * Which room (nothing else, no explanation, just this) . Please be advised we tend to leave such issues until the end of the first year as more may occur as the drying out continues. Fine line cracks ? Guidance : This is quite normal and due to the property drying out. Unless you can fit a pound coin edge-ways into the crack, you should fill these yourself when you next re-decorate. Otherwise report it as a defect - all you need do in the description box is quote the code SC and state: * Ceiling * Which room (nothing else, no explanation, just this) . Please be advised w e do not attend to such issues before the end of the first 12 months as the property will take a year to fully settle down. Wat er penetrating ? Guidance : Have you got water penetrating the ceiling? This is most likely due to something leaking from above and could be a range of sources. Report this as a defect - all you need do in the description box is quote the code WP and state: * Ceiling, is it constant or intermittent, what is directly above and * Which room * Confirm what was last used (e.g.: shower) (nothing else, no explanation, just this) . Damp and/or black mold spores ? Guidance : Damp is caused by one of two things. Either a leak that is feeding water to an area making it wet, or lack of air circulation. If you believe it to be a leak, report it as a defect - all you need do in the description box is quote the code WP and state: * Ceiling * Which room (nothing else, no explanation, just this) . Otherwise, it is most likely damp due to poor circulation. Condensation occurs when warm moist air hits a cool surface, so make certain when you are cooking and when you are running the shower or a bath that you operate any ventilation system you have in those rooms – even open windows to allow the warm moist air to escape. Failure to ventilate spaces will encourage black mold spores which is unhealthy and must be avoided at all costs. ​ SELF-DIAGNOSIS Useful checklist If you have just moved in, here are some important reminders: APPLIANCE WARRANTIES Don't forget to complete all of the warranty cards for your fitted electrical appliances. Keep a copy and send them off to the manufacturer. Should you ever need to report a fault, you know they will have proof of your cover. BOILER SERVICE Make a note in your diary to book a service in 12 months time. Failure to maintain annual services could invalidate your warranty cover. WATER AND GAS SHUT-OFF VALVE Make sure you (and other responsible members of the household) know where to find the shut-off valves for water supply and (if applicable) gas. METER READINGS Make a note of your meter readings for your electricity supply, water and gas (if applicable). Keep it somewhere safe. HOW TO ... There are various 'maintenance' tasks you will need to perform around your home, from time-to-time. Take a look at our 'How To ' videos.

  • Stair string | Managing Your New Home

    STAIR STRING Is the problem ... The stair string has split ? Guidance: Unless the timber is a hardwood you wish to leave exposed, you can fill small cracks before you re-decorate under householder maintenance. There is a gap between the stair string and the wall ? Guidance: Unless the gap is greater than 4mm you can fill small cracks before you re-decorate under householder maintenance, otherwise report it as a defect - all you need do in the description box is quote the code GBSSW (nothing else, no explanation, just this code ). SELF-DIAGNOSIS Useful checklist If you have just moved in, here are some important reminders: APPLIANCE WARRANTIES Don't forget to complete all of the warranty cards for your fitted electrical appliances. Keep a copy and send them off to the manufacturer. Should you ever need to report a fault, you know they will have proof of your cover. BOILER SERVICE Make a note in your diary to book a service in 12 months time. Failure to maintain annual services could invalidate your warranty cover. WATER AND GAS SHUT-OFF VALVE Make sure you (and other responsible members of the household) know where to find the shut-off valves for water supply and (if applicable) gas. METER READINGS Make a note of your meter readings for your electricity supply, water and gas (if applicable). Keep it somewhere safe. HOW TO ... There are various 'maintenance' tasks you will need to perform around your home, from time-to-time. Take a look at our 'How To ' videos.

  • Plumbing | Managing Your New Home

    水暖 锅炉 所有锅炉都需要每年维修一次,这是您作为房主的责任。必须强调的是,如果您忽略了这项任务并且锅炉以任何方式出现故障,您可能会发现您已经使任何保修保护失效,否则您可以依赖它进行任何必要的维修。 ​ 堵塞的下水道 有时您可能会遇到排水管堵塞的情况。原因通常是不合适的生活垃圾造成阻塞。一些分包商 may charge 你参加 a 如果他们发现这是原因,堵塞了排水管。 ​ 截止阀 当水进入您的财产(蓝色管道)时,它 由主截止阀控制。 这允许您在紧急情况下关闭供应。确保您知道它的位置。 ​ 隔离阀 为了独立控制您房产周围某些点的供水,您可能会发现在厕所、厨房水槽和洗手盆等地方使用了隔离阀。 ​ 气控阀 燃气(黄色管道)通过仪表旁边的控制阀输送到您的物业。 ​ 出血散热器 滞留的空气会阻止散热器完全加热(顶部冷却)。要释放空气,请关闭暖气并让其冷却。使用散热器 bleed 钥匙慢慢打开阀门 并聆听逸出空气的声音。准备关闭它时 空气之后是一滴水。 ​ 重新给系统加压 密封加热系统可能需要不时重新加压。您会在 boiler 上或附近找到一个压力表 - 如果这表明 system ressure 已经下降,您需要重新给系统加压。请按照您的锅炉手册获取说明。看我们的'如何 ' 视频。

  • Accessibility | Managing Your New Home

    您的隐私 我们可能收集的信息 我们可能会收集和处理关于您的以下数据: 您通过填写我们网站上的表格提供的信息: 和我们的 Occupant Portal: 。这包括在注册使用我们的网站、订阅我们的服务、发布材料(包括任何照片和视频)或请求进一步服务时提供的信息。 如果您与我们联系,我们可能会保留该通信记录。我们也可能会要求您完成我们用于研究目的的调查(您不必回应)。您访问我们网站的详细信息,包括但不限于流量数据、位置数据、网络日志和其他通信数据。 我们在哪里存储个人数据 我们从您那里收集的数据将存储在英国或欧洲经济区(“EEA”)内的服务器上。它将由在英国或欧洲经济区内为我们或我们的供应商之一工作的员工处理。 工作人员可能从事提供支持服务等工作。提交您的个人数据,即表示您同意此传输、存储或处理。我们将采取所有合理必要的步骤,以确保您的数据得到安全处理并符合本隐私政策。我们会将您的数据保留 10 年。您提供给我们的所有信息都存储在我们的安全服务器上。在我们为您提供(或您选择的)访问我们网站部分内容的密码的情况下,您有责任对该密码保密。我们要求您不要与任何人分享密码。不幸的是,通过互联网传输信息并不完全安全。尽管我们会尽最大努力保护您的个人数据,但我们无法保证您传输到我们网站的数据的安全性。任何传输均由您自行承担风险。一旦我们收到您的信息,我们将使用严格的程序和安全功能来尝试防止未经授权的访问。 信息的使用 我们通过以下方式使用持有的关于您的信息: 确保我们网站的内容以最有效的方式呈现给您和您的计算机,并: 向您提供您要求我们提供的信息、产品或服务 履行我们因您与我们签订的任何合同而产生的义务 在您选择的情况下,允许您参与我们服务的互动功能 收到您关于您财产缺陷的报告,以便我们做出必要的安排,指定承包商来补救这些缺陷 通知您有关我们服务的更改 如果您是现有客户,我们可能会通过电子方式(电子邮件或短信)与您联系,提供与之前向您销售的商品和服务类似的商品和服务信息。如果您是新客户,只有在您同意的情况下,我们才会通过电子方式与您联系。 如果您是我们代表我们的一位客户管理的房产的住户,我们将不会使用您的信息提供给第三方,除非是提供给在您的房产中提供服务以补救建筑缺陷的承包商。 披露您的信息 我们可能会向第三方披露您的个人信息: 如果我们出售或购买任何业务或资产,在这种情况下,我们可能会向此类业务或资产的潜在卖家或买家披露您的个人数据。如果 After Build Limited 被第三方收购,在这种情况下,其持有的有关其客户和关联方的个人数据将成为转让资产之一 如果我们有义务披露或共享您的个人数据以遵守任何法律义务,或为了执行或应用我们的使用条款和其他协议,或为了保护 After Build Limited 的权利、财产或安全,我们的客户或其他人。这包括与其他公司和组织交换信息以防止欺诈和降低信用风险。 您的权利 我们的网站可能会不时包含与我们的合作伙伴网络、广告商和附属公司网站的链接。如果您通过链接访问这些网站中的任何一个,请注意这些网站有自己的隐私政策,我们不对这些政策承担任何责任或义务。在您向这些网站提交任何个人数据之前,请检查这些政策。 获取信息 该法案赋予您访问所持有的关于您的信息的权利。您可以根据该法案行使访问权。任何访问请求通常不会产生任何费用,但是如果请求明显没有根据或过多,或者如果个人请求其数据的更多副本,我们可能会收取“合理费用”作为执行请求的行政费用。

  • Beaufort Homes | Managing Your New Home

    客户服务 - 如何报告新家的缺陷 我们希望您对新的 Beaufort Home 完全满意,但是如果您遇到问题,例如未解决的障碍或新的缺陷(在您合法完工之日起 2 年内),请使用此 Occupant Portal 将其报告给您客户服务团队. 首先,您必须先向我们注册(一个简单的过程),然后才能报告任何内容。此后,如果您需要与我们沟通,请登录并前往报告新问题。当您报告新问题时,请务必提供以下信息: 在主题框中: 指出问题的性质 在描述框中: 提供尽可能多的细节,如果它也有助于添加照片或视频 在非可用性框中: 如果您在任何时间或日期无法让承包商参加,请告知我们。这很重要,因为它可以帮助我们为您提供一个我们认为可行的约会日期。 在主题行中: 从财产的完整邮政地址(包括邮政编码)开始 关注,其次是“Arcura Developer”。 在主题行中: 从财产的完整邮政地址(包括邮政编码)开始 关注,其次是“Arcura Developer”。 在描述框中: 解释问题并明确需要采取的措施。 如果您能够附上照片和/或视频,那就更好了。 卧室窗户卡住了 非紧急情况 如果您有任何疑问,请致电:01444 226401 或 电子邮件: ​ 紧急情况 (例如断电/供暖/无法控制的泄漏)不是 使用 他乘员门户 报告 一件紧急状况 - 给我们打电话 以下两个数字: 周一至周五 0830 点至 1700 点电话: 01444 226401 其他时间请拨打电话:0333 0342316 前往门户网站

  • Underfloor Heating | Managing Your New Home

    地板采暖 地板采暖已成为一种流行的房间供暖形式。系统可以是电动的,也可以更常见地由燃气中央供暖系统(换句话说,是输送热水的连续管道)供电。加热网密封在混凝土砂浆内,允许热量穿透地板覆盖物(层压板或地毯)。 ​ 为了获得最大效率,最好让系统在一致的环境温度下长时间运行,而不是一直开关(与传统散热器相比,to get up up to heat 需要更长的时间)。 ​ 每个房间都有自己的恒温器或“区域控制器”,这意味着您可以更好地控制温度。地暖的一个不太明显的好处是它提供了将家具靠在所有墙壁上的自由——传统的散热器系统很难做到这一点。

  • Landing | Managing Your New Home

    LANDING (UPSTAIRS) Is the problem related to the ... CEILING ? or ... ELECTRICAL ? or ... FLOOR ? or ... HEATING ? or ... WALL ? or ... WINDOW ? ​ SELF-DIAGNOSIS Useful checklist If you have just moved in, here are some important reminders: APPLIANCE WARRANTIES Don't forget to complete all of the warranty cards for your fitted electrical appliances. Keep a copy and send them off to the manufacturer. Should you ever need to report a fault, you know they will have proof of your cover. BOILER SERVICE Make a note in your diary to book a service in 12 months time. Failure to maintain annual services could invalidate your warranty cover. WATER AND GAS SHUT-OFF VALVE Make sure you (and other responsible members of the household) know where to find the shut-off valves for water supply and (if applicable) gas. METER READINGS Make a note of your meter readings for your electricity supply, water and gas (if applicable). Keep it somewhere safe. HOW TO ... There are various 'maintenance' tasks you will need to perform around your home, from time-to-time. Take a look at our 'How To ' videos.

  • Electrical Loft | Managing Your New Home

    ELECTRICAL Is the problem ... A wall socket has got no power ? Guidance: Unplug any appliance and check that the RCD at the electrical consumer unit hasn't tripped. If it has it may be the appliance that is faulty. Test it by plugging a different appliance into the socket and see if it remains live. If so, this is not a defect, however if the socket is dead in all circumstances, report it as a defect - all you need do in the description box is quote the code WSNP and state loft (nothing else, no explanation, just this) . A light has stopped working ? Guidance: Check that it is not the bulb by replacing with a new bulb. Check that the RCD at the electrical consumer unit hasn't tripped. If it's not the bulb or the RCD report it as a defect - all you need do in the description box is quote the code LSW and state loft (nothing else, no explanation, just this) . ​ ​ SELF-DIAGNOSIS Useful checklist If you have just moved in, here are some important reminders: APPLIANCE WARRANTIES Don't forget to complete all of the warranty cards for your fitted electrical appliances. Keep a copy and send them off to the manufacturer. Should you ever need to report a fault, you know they will have proof of your cover. BOILER SERVICE Make a note in your diary to book a service in 12 months time. Failure to maintain annual services could invalidate your warranty cover. WATER AND GAS SHUT-OFF VALVE Make sure you (and other responsible members of the household) know where to find the shut-off valves for water supply and (if applicable) gas. METER READINGS Make a note of your meter readings for your electricity supply, water and gas (if applicable). Keep it somewhere safe. HOW TO ... There are various 'maintenance' tasks you will need to perform around your home, from time-to-time. Take a look at our 'How To ' videos.

  • Equality and Diversity Policy | Managing Your New Home

    您的隐私 我们可能收集的信息 我们可能会收集和处理关于您的以下数据: 您通过填写我们网站上的表格提供的信息: 和我们的 Occupant Portal: 。这包括在注册使用我们的网站、订阅我们的服务、发布材料(包括任何照片和视频)或请求进一步服务时提供的信息。 如果您与我们联系,我们可能会保留该通信记录。我们也可能会要求您完成我们用于研究目的的调查(您不必回应)。您访问我们网站的详细信息,包括但不限于流量数据、位置数据、网络日志和其他通信数据。 我们在哪里存储个人数据 我们从您那里收集的数据将存储在英国或欧洲经济区(“EEA”)内的服务器上。它将由在英国或欧洲经济区内为我们或我们的供应商之一工作的员工处理。 工作人员可能从事提供支持服务等工作。提交您的个人数据,即表示您同意此传输、存储或处理。我们将采取所有合理必要的步骤,以确保您的数据得到安全处理并符合本隐私政策。我们会将您的数据保留 10 年。您提供给我们的所有信息都存储在我们的安全服务器上。在我们为您提供(或您选择的)访问我们网站部分内容的密码的情况下,您有责任对该密码保密。我们要求您不要与任何人分享密码。不幸的是,通过互联网传输信息并不完全安全。尽管我们会尽最大努力保护您的个人数据,但我们无法保证您传输到我们网站的数据的安全性。任何传输均由您自行承担风险。一旦我们收到您的信息,我们将使用严格的程序和安全功能来尝试防止未经授权的访问。 信息的使用 我们通过以下方式使用持有的关于您的信息: 确保我们网站的内容以最有效的方式呈现给您和您的计算机,并: 向您提供您要求我们提供的信息、产品或服务 履行我们因您与我们签订的任何合同而产生的义务 在您选择的情况下,允许您参与我们服务的互动功能 收到您关于您财产缺陷的报告,以便我们做出必要的安排,指定承包商来补救这些缺陷 通知您有关我们服务的更改 如果您是现有客户,我们可能会通过电子方式(电子邮件或短信)与您联系,提供与之前向您销售的商品和服务类似的商品和服务信息。如果您是新客户,只有在您同意的情况下,我们才会通过电子方式与您联系。 如果您是我们代表我们的一位客户管理的房产的住户,我们将不会使用您的信息提供给第三方,除非是提供给在您的房产中提供服务以补救建筑缺陷的承包商。 披露您的信息 我们可能会向第三方披露您的个人信息: 如果我们出售或购买任何业务或资产,在这种情况下,我们可能会向此类业务或资产的潜在卖家或买家披露您的个人数据。如果 After Build Limited 被第三方收购,在这种情况下,其持有的有关其客户和关联方的个人数据将成为转让资产之一 如果我们有义务披露或共享您的个人数据以遵守任何法律义务,或为了执行或应用我们的使用条款和其他协议,或为了保护 After Build Limited 的权利、财产或安全,我们的客户或其他人。这包括与其他公司和组织交换信息以防止欺诈和降低信用风险。 您的权利 我们的网站可能会不时包含与我们的合作伙伴网络、广告商和附属公司网站的链接。如果您通过链接访问这些网站中的任何一个,请注意这些网站有自己的隐私政策,我们不对这些政策承担任何责任或义务。在您向这些网站提交任何个人数据之前,请检查这些政策。 获取信息 该法案赋予您访问所持有的关于您的信息的权利。您可以根据该法案行使访问权。任何访问请求通常不会产生任何费用,但是如果请求明显没有根据或过多,或者如果个人请求其数据的更多副本,我们可能会收取“合理费用”作为执行请求的行政费用。

  • Riser | Managing Your New Home

    RISER Is the problem ... The riser has become loose ? Guidance: This is not common as each riser is secured all around and cannot fall out of place. If the movement is excessive, report it as a defect - all you need do in the description box is quote the code RBL and state: * Which riser (count from top) (nothing else, no explanation, just this code) . The riser has split ? Guidance: Unless the riser is constructed from a hardwood which you wish to keep exposed, you can fill any small cracks prior to re-decorating. If the crack is greater than the thickness of a pound coin (edge) report it as a defect - all you need do in the description box is quote the code RS and state: * Which riser (count from top) (nothing else, no explanation, just this code) . ​ SELF-DIAGNOSIS Useful checklist If you have just moved in, here are some important reminders: APPLIANCE WARRANTIES Don't forget to complete all of the warranty cards for your fitted electrical appliances. Keep a copy and send them off to the manufacturer. Should you ever need to report a fault, you know they will have proof of your cover. BOILER SERVICE Make a note in your diary to book a service in 12 months time. Failure to maintain annual services could invalidate your warranty cover. WATER AND GAS SHUT-OFF VALVE Make sure you (and other responsible members of the household) know where to find the shut-off valves for water supply and (if applicable) gas. METER READINGS Make a note of your meter readings for your electricity supply, water and gas (if applicable). Keep it somewhere safe. HOW TO ... There are various 'maintenance' tasks you will need to perform around your home, from time-to-time. Take a look at our 'How To ' videos.

  • Trade Bodies | Managing Your New Home

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