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  • Helping the New Homeowner | Managing Your New Home

    Home: Welcome 新家? 每年都有成千上万的人购买全新的房屋,对某些人来说这可能是他们的第一次。我们希望您的体验是积极且令人兴奋的,但我们也知道它可能会多么混乱。 东西还在盒子里。不知道有些东西是如何运作的。快速需要信息。也许有一些构建问题需要解决。没问题,我们有答案。管理您的新家。 抵押 你有最优惠的价格吗?什么是在这个快速变化的市场中您有什么选择? 由于能源成本如此之高,请找出可用的能源。 能源成本上升! 由于银行分行每周都关门,为什么不看看网上银行呢? 最佳在线银行一览 有疑问吗? 管理您的新家就在这里,准备好 帮助 具有大量有用的内容 信息, 资源和支持。从管理构建开始 缺陷,了解如何维护您的缺陷 可爱的新家。 无论有什么问题,我们 有答案 。 ​ 户外 永远不要忽视维护外表的重要性。 每个新房都有 10 年保修期 - 了解其运作方式。 能源成本上升! 喜欢或讨厌,DIY是不可避免的。有关如何进行操作的提示和提示。 最佳在线银行一览 需要帮忙? 解决问题可能非常困难,但我们不希望事情变成这样。当您需要指导或支持时,无需再犹豫了 比管理你的新家更重要。我们已经构建了 该网站涵盖“闯入”的所有关键方面 一个新家,所以无论您需要知道什么,我们都可能知道! 管理您的新家可能会通过本网站中的各种链接提供对第三方网站的访问。我们真诚地这样做,但与任何这些组织没有任何关系或安排,我们对他们可能提供的建议或信息不承担任何责任, 公用事业 永远不要以为您得到的是最优惠的价格 - 货比三家! 什么是 管理代理 - 我需要一名管理代理吗?他们是做什么的? 能源成本上升! 如果您需要工作,那么这将涉及承包商 - 这是如何工作的? 最佳在线银行一览

  • GDPR | Managing Your New Home

    您的隐私 我们可能收集的信息 我们可能会收集和处理关于您的以下数据: 您通过填写我们网站上的表格提供的信息: 和我们的 Occupant Portal: 。这包括在注册使用我们的网站、订阅我们的服务、发布材料(包括任何照片和视频)或请求进一步服务时提供的信息。 如果您与我们联系,我们可能会保留该通信记录。我们也可能会要求您完成我们用于研究目的的调查(您不必回应)。您访问我们网站的详细信息,包括但不限于流量数据、位置数据、网络日志和其他通信数据。 我们在哪里存储个人数据 我们从您那里收集的数据将存储在英国或欧洲经济区(“EEA”)内的服务器上。它将由在英国或欧洲经济区内为我们或我们的供应商之一工作的员工处理。 工作人员可能从事提供支持服务等工作。提交您的个人数据,即表示您同意此传输、存储或处理。我们将采取所有合理必要的步骤,以确保您的数据得到安全处理并符合本隐私政策。我们会将您的数据保留 10 年。您提供给我们的所有信息都存储在我们的安全服务器上。在我们为您提供(或您选择的)访问我们网站部分内容的密码的情况下,您有责任对该密码保密。我们要求您不要与任何人分享密码。不幸的是,通过互联网传输信息并不完全安全。尽管我们会尽最大努力保护您的个人数据,但我们无法保证您传输到我们网站的数据的安全性。任何传输均由您自行承担风险。一旦我们收到您的信息,我们将使用严格的程序和安全功能来尝试防止未经授权的访问。 信息的使用 我们通过以下方式使用持有的关于您的信息: 确保我们网站的内容以最有效的方式呈现给您和您的计算机,并: 向您提供您要求我们提供的信息、产品或服务 履行我们因您与我们签订的任何合同而产生的义务 在您选择的情况下,允许您参与我们服务的互动功能 收到您关于您财产缺陷的报告,以便我们做出必要的安排,指定承包商来补救这些缺陷 通知您有关我们服务的更改 如果您是现有客户,我们可能会通过电子方式(电子邮件或短信)与您联系,提供与之前向您销售的商品和服务类似的商品和服务信息。如果您是新客户,只有在您同意的情况下,我们才会通过电子方式与您联系。 如果您是我们代表我们的一位客户管理的房产的住户,我们将不会使用您的信息提供给第三方,除非是提供给在您的房产中提供服务以补救建筑缺陷的承包商。 披露您的信息 我们可能会向第三方披露您的个人信息: 如果我们出售或购买任何业务或资产,在这种情况下,我们可能会向此类业务或资产的潜在卖家或买家披露您的个人数据。如果 After Build Limited 被第三方收购,在这种情况下,其持有的有关其客户和关联方的个人数据将成为转让资产之一 如果我们有义务披露或共享您的个人数据以遵守任何法律义务,或为了执行或应用我们的使用条款和其他协议,或为了保护 After Build Limited 的权利、财产或安全,我们的客户或其他人。这包括与其他公司和组织交换信息以防止欺诈和降低信用风险。 您的权利 我们的网站可能会不时包含与我们的合作伙伴网络、广告商和附属公司网站的链接。如果您通过链接访问这些网站中的任何一个,请注意这些网站有自己的隐私政策,我们不对这些政策承担任何责任或义务。在您向这些网站提交任何个人数据之前,请检查这些政策。 获取信息 该法案赋予您访问所持有的关于您的信息的权利。您可以根据该法案行使访问权。任何访问请求通常不会产生任何费用,但是如果请求明显没有根据或过多,或者如果个人请求其数据的更多副本,我们可能会收取“合理费用”作为执行请求的行政费用。

  • Decorating | Managing Your New Home

    装潢 你能期待什么 天花板、墙壁和楼梯串的收缩和沉降裂缝是正常的并且是可以预料的。作为一般准则,大多数保修提供商将 any such 裂缝视为您的责任,这属于房主维护。只有当裂缝超过 2 毫米(一磅硬币的厚度)和楼梯绳的裂缝超过 4 毫米时,他们才会期望开发商(或他们的售后服务代理)组织修复。同样,由于这些工作的发生主要是由于干燥,而新房完全干燥可能需要长达 12 个月的时间,因此这些工作被留到第一年年底,然后才会安排参加。 ​ 绘画大面积 当粉刷大面积时,您的开发商的装饰师可能会粉刷到最近的自然分界线,例如门框、拱门、角落。除非维修工作量很大,否则预计他们不会重新粉刷整个墙壁或天花板。 同样,他们可能不会重新粉刷所有木制品,但通常会重新粉刷一个例如踢脚板的长度。 ​ 一些额外的要点。 今天大多数油漆中使用的试剂,旨在限制因光引起的变色,已经受到立法的限制,并且变黄最快可以发生 6-首次申请后 9 个月。这不是开发人员可以负责的事情,这是现代油漆制造工艺的结果。 ​ 油漆老化 同样,由于环境条件(光、热、香烟烟雾等)导致的油漆老化是进行修复时几乎不可能实现完美颜色匹配的因素。再次声明,您的开发人员无需为此负责。 最后,如果您有装饰师参与工作,请确保您已将所有家具移开——通常为 1 米的间隙所有墙壁都需要提供通道 - 他们不需要代表您移动家具,因为这会严重影响可用于完成工作的时间。 ​ 新房不需要维护或保养是一个神话。显然情况并非如此。每个新房主都需要维护他们的财产,如果他们希望它持续下去——总而言之,这很可能是您一生中做出的最伟大的投资。 ​ 新油漆 - 内部 大多数房产都涂有浅色乳液——这可以满足大多数调色板的需求,但并不打算永远持续下去。我们建议您在 12 个月后考虑更新它,在那个阶段如果您更喜欢不同的方案,也许可以更改颜色!设备也需要维护——尤其是您的供暖和热水系统。不要忘记为您的锅炉提供年度服务(否则您可能会使保修失效)。 ​ 新油漆 - 外部 再次重申,您房产外部的油漆并非旨在永远持续下去。我们建议您在 2 年后查看它,并在此后每 3-4 年通过重新油漆/清漆来维护它。 ​ 充分准备 可能每个人在“拥有自己的家”生活中的某个时候都会做的一件事就是粉刷——墙壁、天花板、木制品等等。但在您进行此操作之前,您必须进行一些基本准备以确保: 1.待涂漆的表面准备就绪。 2. 直接区域防止溢出、滴落和飞溅。准备工作是取得完美成绩的关键。 ​ 主要原则 1. 确保所有表面清洁且无油脂(对于墙壁和 woodwork,糖皂溶液是去除油脂的好方法)。 2. 还要确保所有表面均无剥落且光滑。 3. 墙壁裂缝应使用合适的家用填充物填充(小浴缸并不昂贵) - 填充前将任何松散的材料耙出 - 使用柔性金属或塑料边缘以获得良好的平坦表面(总是略微过度填充,因为这会干燥时收缩。当完全干燥时,用轻质玻璃纸向下擦拭至周围表面水平)。 4. 木制品应该用细玻璃纸轻轻擦回以给出钥匙(这将有助于新油漆粘合到表面)。 5. 遮盖周围区域——可以在任何 DIY 商店购买便宜的轻质聚乙烯板来保护地板和家具。 ​ 你需要什么工具? 你实际上根本不需要太多! 1. 1. 1/2″ 刷子(用于切入)。 2. 1 1/2″ 刷子,用于门、窗框和其他涂漆木制品。 3. 墙壁和天花板的中小型滚筒。 4. 塑料托盘(使用滚筒时用来盛放油漆)。 5. 油漆搅拌器——便宜的塑料或木头,使用前用来搅拌油漆的抹刀形状(一定要先阅读油漆罐上的说明,因为有些油漆不能搅拌,例如不滴落)。 6. 美纹纸胶带(用胶带粘住不需要粉刷的区域,例如在需要粉刷墙壁时的门框)。 ​ 技术 用小刷子在墙壁的边缘涂上油漆(“切入”),慢慢来,以提供整洁的边缘。 ​ 然后用滚筒涂抹较大的区域,但速度要稳定,速度太快可能会“飞溅”油漆到处都是细小的水滴。使用塑料托盘从锡罐中倒出少量油漆,以便您可以轻松地将其放在滚筒上。确保你的覆盖范围是均匀的,不要在一个区域过度工作——一次可以涂多少油漆是有限制的,所以接受墙壁可能需要几层(或更多)涂层,这取决于质量画。 ​ 始终按照建议的“干燥时间”保留每层涂层,因为过早涂抹后续涂层可能会使原始涂层直接从表面剥离。 ​ 油漆类型 油漆是一个广泛的话题,参观任何一家 DIY 商店都会证实这一点。小花盆是避免在错误的颜色上花很多钱的聪明方法——记住深色会让房间感觉更小。 ​ 油漆的类型通常取决于房间和应用——在涉及宠物和儿童的地方(蛋壳饰面或丝绸乙烯基乳液),墙壁最好滚上带有擦拭干净饰面的东西。 ​ 将你的调色板限制在两种颜色——当然不超过三种(木制品/墙壁,也许还有特色墙)。柔和/浅色将使未来的销售更容易,因为强烈的颜色往往非常个人化。

  • Managing Agents | Managing Your New Home

    管理代理人 目的 如果您住在公寓或公寓里,您无疑可以享受 Estate Manager 的服务。这种资源是从对每个居住者征收的年度服务费中支付的,并且他们将为此提供广泛的服务。 ​ 管理代理人通常受开发商雇用来管理公寓住宅的公共区域。这可能是花园和庭院、停车场、车道和大门、大堂、楼梯间和电梯、走廊和垃圾箱——换句话说,所有这些设施都是开发项目中居民共享的。 ​ 根据安排,每位居民通常需要支付年度服务费 作为该设施的成本,开发商会向您提供此信息。 好处包括安排专人负责一般维护和维修公共部分的问题。 这很可能延伸到园艺、修剪草坪、清洁排水沟和处理垃圾。在大多数安排中,将商定一项外部装饰维护计划,以便油漆和雨水物品保持良好的标准。 ​ 通常会有一名指定的经理在开发商和居民之间进行联络,在某些情况下,开发项目中可能会有一个办公室。最终当开发完成并且建筑行业离开时,居住者将在他们自己的委员会的主持下对物业经理负责。 ​ 必须对所有物业管理服务进行审计,以核算支出,以便作为居住者的您有证据证明他们是如何支出您的服务费的。 大多数信誉良好的房地产管理企业将成为 ARMA(住宅管理代理人协会)的成员,该协会是英格兰和威尔士领先的住宅租赁管理行业协会。

  • Door | Managing Your New Home

    DOOR Is the problem ... The door won't open ? Guidance : If the door is stuck closed, report it as a defect - all you need do in the description box is quote the code DSC and state: * Which room * Internal or external door * UPVC or Wood ( nothing else, no explanation, just this) . The door won't shut ? Guidance : Report it as a defect - all you need do in the description box is quote the code DWS and state: * Which room * Internal or external door * UPVC or Wood (nothing else, no explanation, just this). The door catches on the frame ? Guidance : Report it as a defect - all you need do in the description box is quote the code DCF and state: * Which room * Internal or external door * UPVC or Wood * Catches frame side or top of frame (nothing else, no explanation, just this) . The door catches on the floor ? Guidance : If the door is catching on the carpet the developer will only take responsibility if the carpet was fitted as a feature of the new build - if you have subsequently had an independent contractor fit a carpet you should ask them to adjust the door, otherwise report it as a defect - all you need do in the description box is quote the code DCFL and state: * Which room * Internal or external door * UPVC or Wood (nothing else, no explanation, just this). The door is coming off its hinges ? Guidance : Report it as a defect - all you need do in the description box is quote the code DCH and state: * Which room * Internal or external door * UPVC or Wood ( nothing else, no explanation, just this) . SELF-DIAGNOSIS Useful checklist If you have just moved in, here are some important reminders: APPLIANCE WARRANTIES Don't forget to complete all of the warranty cards for your fitted electrical appliances. Keep a copy and send them off to the manufacturer. Should you ever need to report a fault, you know they will have proof of your cover. BOILER SERVICE Make a note in your diary to book a service in 12 months time. Failure to maintain annual services could invalidate your warranty cover. WATER AND GAS SHUT-OFF VALVE Make sure you (and other responsible members of the household) know where to find the shut-off valves for water supply and (if applicable) gas. METER READINGS Make a note of your meter readings for your electricity supply, water and gas (if applicable). Keep it somewhere safe. HOW TO ... There are various 'maintenance' tasks you will need to perform around your home, from time-to-time. Take a look at our 'How To ' videos.

  • Light Bulbs | Managing Your New Home

    电灯泡 开发商在设计房屋时必须考虑到能源效率,这包括照明系统。 ​ 灯泡有多种形式,通常具有低能耗需求。这可能意味着灯泡从打开到达到最大光输出可能需要一些时间。 ​ 有些灯泡配有一个小吸盘,以便更轻松地取出旧灯泡,而且由于能耗较低,灯泡的使用寿命往往比以前长得多。 ​ 开发商在设计房屋时必须考虑到能源效率,这包括照明系统。 ​ 灯泡有多种形式,通常具有低能耗需求。这可能意味着灯泡从打开到达到最大光输出可能需要一些时间。 ​ 有些灯泡配有一个小吸盘,以便更轻松地取出旧灯泡,而且由于能耗较低,灯泡的使用寿命往往比以前长得多。 ​ 碳丝灯 (CFL) 也称为“爱迪生”灯泡或“古董灯丝”灯泡,目前在家庭和商业环境中都非常流行。 加 为室内增添温暖、个性和“别致”。 减 较低的发光水平——更多的是外观而不是照明,而且购买起来相对昂贵。 ​ LED(发光二极管) 最高水平的光输出,几乎没有热量。 加 超长寿命(长达 50,000 小时),比白炽灯长约 50 倍,比卤素灯长 25 倍,比 CFL 长 10 倍。提供最高效的电力使用——每天使用 12 小时,一个 50,000 小时的灯泡可以使用 11 年。还耐冲击和振动。 减 购买成本高——但请记住,长期运行成本更低。 ​ 灯座 从历史上看,“卡口”帽用于大多数英国国内照明,而“爱迪生”螺帽用于欧洲和美国。今天的大多数灯都有可用的版本。 最常见的尺寸是: ​ E27 或 ES 或标准螺丝,以容纳直径为 27 毫米的灯泡。 ​ E14 or SES 或小型爱迪生螺丝,用于容纳直径为 14mm 的灯泡。 ​ B22 或 Ba22d 或 Bayonet Cap 以容纳直径为 22mm 的灯泡。 ​ B15 or Ba15d 或 SBC 或小卡口帽,用于容纳直径为 15mm 的灯泡。

  • Ventilation Kitchen | Managing Your New Home

    VENTILATION Is the problem ... The ventilation has stopped working ? Guidance: Check that the power is connected by ensuring the RCD at the electric consumer unit has not tripped out. Also check the programmer (where applicable). Finally, check that this is turned on at the switch on the wall (normally located above the door outside the bathroom). If all appears clear, report it as a defect - all you need do in the description box is quote the code VSW and state: * Kitchen (nothing else, no explanation, just this ) . The ventilation has become very noisy ? Guidance: Report it as a defect - all you need do in the description box is quote the code VVN and state: * K itchen (nothing else, no explanation, just this ) . The cooker hood has stopped working ? Check that the RCD hasn't tripped and that power is on at the fused switched spur. If still not working report it to the manufacturer using the warranty provided to you. A manufacturer's report will be needed should we need to instruct a contractor. At that point, report it as a defect - all you need do in the description box is quote the code CHSW and state: *Have had manufacturer's engineer attend and they have provided the report attached as they believe that the electrician is now required to check the supply. (nothing else, no explanation, just this code). SELF-DIAGNOSIS Useful checklist If you have just moved in, here are some important reminders: APPLIANCE WARRANTIES Don't forget to complete all of the warranty cards for your fitted electrical appliances. Keep a copy and send them off to the manufacturer. Should you ever need to report a fault, you know they will have proof of your cover. BOILER SERVICE Make a note in your diary to book a service in 12 months time. Failure to maintain annual services could invalidate your warranty cover. WATER AND GAS SHUT-OFF VALVE Make sure you (and other responsible members of the household) know where to find the shut-off valves for water supply and (if applicable) gas. METER READINGS Make a note of your meter readings for your electricity supply, water and gas (if applicable). Keep it somewhere safe. HOW TO ... There are various 'maintenance' tasks you will need to perform around your home, from time-to-time. Take a look at our 'How To ' videos.

  • Insulation | Managing Your New Home

    INSULATION Is the problem ... There is insufficient/no insulation in the loft space ? Guidance: Your loft space should have a covering of insulation across the entirety of its floor area. If there are areas without insulation report it as a defect - all you need do in the description box is quote the code II (nothing else, no explanation, just this code) . SELF-DIAGNOSIS Useful checklist If you have just moved in, here are some important reminders: APPLIANCE WARRANTIES Don't forget to complete all of the warranty cards for your fitted electrical appliances. Keep a copy and send them off to the manufacturer. Should you ever need to report a fault, you know they will have proof of your cover. BOILER SERVICE Make a note in your diary to book a service in 12 months time. Failure to maintain annual services could invalidate your warranty cover. WATER AND GAS SHUT-OFF VALVE Make sure you (and other responsible members of the household) know where to find the shut-off valves for water supply and (if applicable) gas. METER READINGS Make a note of your meter readings for your electricity supply, water and gas (if applicable). Keep it somewhere safe. HOW TO ... There are various 'maintenance' tasks you will need to perform around your home, from time-to-time. Take a look at our 'How To ' videos.

  • Fitted furniture | Managing Your New Home

    FITTED FURNITURE Is the problem ... A door won't close or has become misaligned ? Guidance: Door alignment is a household maintenance task. Use a small screwdriver to adjust the hinges. A door/drawer handle has come loose ? Guidance: This is also a household maintenance task. Use a small screwdriver to tighten the handles. SELF-DIAGNOSIS Useful checklist If you have just moved in, here are some important reminders: APPLIANCE WARRANTIES Don't forget to complete all of the warranty cards for your fitted electrical appliances. Keep a copy and send them off to the manufacturer. Should you ever need to report a fault, you know they will have proof of your cover. BOILER SERVICE Make a note in your diary to book a service in 12 months time. Failure to maintain annual services could invalidate your warranty cover. WATER AND GAS SHUT-OFF VALVE Make sure you (and other responsible members of the household) know where to find the shut-off valves for water supply and (if applicable) gas. METER READINGS Make a note of your meter readings for your electricity supply, water and gas (if applicable). Keep it somewhere safe. HOW TO ... There are various 'maintenance' tasks you will need to perform around your home, from time-to-time. Take a look at our 'How To ' videos.

  • Bathroom | Managing Your New Home

    BATHROOM Is the problem related to the ... BATH? or ... CEILING ? or ... DOOR ? or ... ELECTRICAL? or ... FLOOR ? or ... HEATING ? or ... HOT WATER ? or ... SHOWER ? or ... TILING ? or ... WALL ? or ... WASH HAND BASIN ? or ... WC ? or ... WINDOW ? or ... VENTILATION ? ​ SELF-DIAGNOSIS Useful checklist If you have just moved in, here are some important reminders: APPLIANCE WARRANTIES Don't forget to complete all of the warranty cards for your fitted electrical appliances. Keep a copy and send them off to the manufacturer. Should you ever need to report a fault, you know they will have proof of your cover. BOILER SERVICE Make a note in your diary to book a service in 12 months time. Failure to maintain annual services could invalidate your warranty cover. WATER AND GAS SHUT-OFF VALVE Make sure you (and other responsible members of the household) know where to find the shut-off valves for water supply and (if applicable) gas. METER READINGS Make a note of your meter readings for your electricity supply, water and gas (if applicable). Keep it somewhere safe. HOW TO ... There are various 'maintenance' tasks you will need to perform around your home, from time-to-time. Take a look at our 'How To ' videos.

  • DEVELOPER SERVICE | Managing Your New Home

    这就是您的房屋建造者 会为你做 新购房者的关心和支持是我们非常重视的事情。 MYNH 解释了您可以从任何新的房屋建筑商那里合理期望的标准和服务。 INSPECTION From the point that you have reserved a property, the housebuilder should take every opportunity to check that the plot is thoroughly inspected and that any ‘snagging’ items* are remedied before you legally complete. It is recognised that sometimes a few minor decorative/cosmetic issues may still be outstanding at the point of handover, but the housebuilder should list these for you and provide a date by when they will be resolved (in any event this should not take longer than 30 days from legal completion). DEMONSTRATION Prior to, or very shortly after legal completion, your housebuilder should make an appointment with you to conduct a Home Demonstration – we strongly recommend that you attend this as it is a very valuable exercise. The objective is to demonstrate appliances and heating and hot water systems (this can help avoid problems later, in terms of programming heat etc.). AFTER CARE Your housebuilder is required to provide an aftercare service. This is for 2 years from the date of legal completion and must include out of hours emergency cover. They must explain the process you need to follow to report a defect**. Typically, this will mean using a web ‘portal’ where you can describe your problem in words and attach photographs to support your claim. 笔记 涵盖的问题不包括用户损坏、故意破坏、电器(请参阅制造商自己的保修)、一般磨损、维护、害虫、鸟类、天气损坏(屋顶瓦片等)、花园围栏、花园棚或自行车店。包括的问题包括管道漏水、热量或热水损失(不包括必须给散热器放气或重新给锅炉加压)、淋浴漏水、瓷砖开裂、墙壁/天花板螺丝弹出过多、门地役权。这些并不是详尽的清单。见保修清单 在这个网站上。 ​ *障碍是指在合法完成时未完成、丢失、损坏或不完整的东西。 **缺陷是指在合法完成时是正确的,但随后在前 2 年内变得有缺陷。

  • Cloakroom | Managing Your New Home

    CLOAKROOM Is the problem related to the ... CEILING ? or ... DOOR ? or ... HEATING ? or ... HOT WATER ? or ... TILING ? or ... ELECTRICAL ? or ... WALL ? or ... WASH HAND BASIN ? or ... WC ? or ... WINDOW ? or ... VENTILATION ? ​ ​ SELF-DIAGNOSIS Useful checklist If you have just moved in, here are some important reminders: APPLIANCE WARRANTIES Don't forget to complete all of the warranty cards for your fitted electrical appliances. Keep a copy and send them off to the manufacturer. Should you ever need to report a fault, you know they will have proof of your cover. BOILER SERVICE Make a note in your diary to book a service in 12 months time. Failure to maintain annual services could invalidate your warranty cover. WATER AND GAS SHUT-OFF VALVE Make sure you (and other responsible members of the household) know where to find the shut-off valves for water supply and (if applicable) gas. METER READINGS Make a note of your meter readings for your electricity supply, water and gas (if applicable). Keep it somewhere safe. HOW TO ... There are various 'maintenance' tasks you will need to perform around your home, from time-to-time. Take a look at our 'How To ' videos.

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