We hope you find this information useful. Moving house can be a testing time and we know it takes a while to settle down once the move is complete. New surroundings, different systems, strange procedures – it all amounts to quite an experience, but one we want you to enjoy!
‘Managing Your New Home’ will provide you with a better understanding of what you can expect from a new property. You may not have previously owned or lived in a brand new home, but even for the initiated, technologies are constantly evolving and we think it would be worth spending some time reading through this information. It is possible that on occasion you may need to report a problem. For the most part, it will be minor or just irritating, but something that needs correcting nonetheless.
MYNH want to help ensure that at such times we can assist you in resolving the issue as quickly and painlessly as possible.
Your developer may have provided you details of the Occupant Portal, through which you need to report all issues. Equally, you may already have received a welcome pack from After Build, the leading independent, nationwide organisation, employed by many developers to provide your after care.
If during the first 2 years following legal completion (12 months for most Housing Association properties), something in your home becomes defective, your developer, or their nominated after care representative, will work with you to get the matter rectified.
It is customary for the developer to instruct the original sub-contractor, responsible for your problem, to return and make good the issue you have reported, as they were involved in the construction and finishing of your new home.
The start point when managing a defect is to diagnose the likely cause and in doing so identify the relevant trade who should be instructed to put right any failings of workmanship or materials. This is usually a relatively straight forward process, however sometimes it can take a little longer when materials need to be ordered.
The developer’s responsibility is to work to the standards set by your 10 year warranty policy provider and apply these whenever involved in managing a defect.