1. Managing Your New Home is a division of After Build Limited.
2. We act on behalf of your new homes developer to provide After Care following the legal completion date.
3. After Care is generally provided for 2 years and is also known as the 'Builder's Rectification Period'.
4. There is no cost to the homeowner for this service - costs are covered by your developer.
5. Any information we may ask you for is protected by GDPR.
6. The only organisations we may share your data with will be:
a. your developer
b. any contractor involved in making good a build defect reported to us by you.
c. any legal agency who may request we provide information according to prevailing law.
7. Managing Your New Home will never share your information with any other 3rd party, either freely or for money.
8. We do not participate in marketing exercises using your contact information. The only occasions we are likely to contact you are:
a. In the course of resolving a build defect reported by you.
b. Updating you on any outstanding build defects.
c. Asking for your opinion of the service you have received from us.