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  • Solar Panels | Managing Your New Home

    太阳能板 有两种主要类型的太阳能电池板。一个发电,另一个用于加热流体,以协助加热家用热水。 ​ PV 或“光伏”面板利用太阳的光能并将其转换为 an 电流。这是通过逆变器馈入您的主电源,并且就所有意图和目的而言都是“免费电力”。如果产生的电量超过您的需求,那么它会提供给国家电网,国家电网会通过每月账单折扣的方式向您付款。 ​ 太阳能热水板不发电,而是利用太阳加热高效热液体,该液体从面板泵入家用热水箱内的第二个加热元件。这有助于提高水温,从而减少锅炉消耗的气体量。又是一种“免费”可用的能源。在这两种情况下,您都可能需要通过年度服务检查来维护系统。

  • Electrical Bathroom | Managing Your New Home

    ELECTRICAL Is the problem ... A light has stopped working ? Guidance: Check that it is not the bulb by replacing with a new bulb. Check that the RCD at the electrical consumer unit hasn't tripped. If it's not the bulb or the RCD report it as a defect - all you need do in the description box is quote the code LSW and state: * Bathroom or ensuite * LED or strip or pendant or mirror light (nothing else, no explanation, just this) . Your shaver socket does not work ? Guidance: Check that the RCD at the electric consumer unit has not tripped and be certain that your shaver is working (if you have more than one shaver socket try it in the other one. Remember, this socket is for electric shaver and toothbrush only - nothing else. If it still won't work, report it as a defect - all you need do in the description box is quote the code SSD and state: * Bathroom or ensuite (nothing else, no explanation, just this) . ​ SELF-DIAGNOSIS Useful checklist If you have just moved in, here are some important reminders: APPLIANCE WARRANTIES Don't forget to complete all of the warranty cards for your fitted electrical appliances. Keep a copy and send them off to the manufacturer. Should you ever need to report a fault, you know they will have proof of your cover. BOILER SERVICE Make a note in your diary to book a service in 12 months time. Failure to maintain annual services could invalidate your warranty cover. WATER AND GAS SHUT-OFF VALVE Make sure you (and other responsible members of the household) know where to find the shut-off valves for water supply and (if applicable) gas. METER READINGS Make a note of your meter readings for your electricity supply, water and gas (if applicable). Keep it somewhere safe. HOW TO ... There are various 'maintenance' tasks you will need to perform around your home, from time-to-time. Take a look at our 'How To ' videos.

  • Sink | Managing Your New Home

    SINK Is the problem ... The tap is constantly dripping ? Guidance: This is often a result of wear and tear to the O-ring, washer or ceramic cartridge - all of which can deteriorate over time through normal use, overtightening, high water temperatures. If your tap starts to drip in the first 18 months, report it as a defect - all you need do in the description box is quote the code TD and state: * Kitchen or utility room * Type - mixer or single (nothing else, no explanation, just this), otherwise you should manage this as a part of householder maintenance. The tap is stiff ? Guidance: See explanation above - report it as a defect - all you need do in the description box is quote the code TS and state: * Kitchen or ut ility room * Type - mixer or single (nothing else, no explanation, just this ). The plug will not stop the water from escaping ? Guidance: Is there anything obstructing the plug from making a tight seal? If not, report it as a defect - all you need do in the description box is quote the code PWS and state: * Kitchen or utility room * Type - pop up or leaver operated (nothing else, no explanation, just this) . The silicone seal around the sink has gaps ? Guidance: In the first 6 months report this as a defect - all you need do in the description box is quote the code SSF and state: * Around the sink in either the kitchen or utility room (nothing else, no explanation, just this), o therwise you can replace the silicone seal under householder maintenance. Waste water is not draining from the sink ? Guidance: This will be because there is a blockage somewhere in the waste pipe. Try using a 'plunger' - this usually works, otherwise a shop bought 'drain un-blocker' fluid otherwise report it as a defect - all you need do in the description box is quote the code WWND and state: * K itchen or utility room (nothing else, no explanation, just this ). There is a leak from underneath the sink ? Guidance: Is the leak coming from the immediate underside of the sink where the plug connects through to the waste pipe? If so, try tightening the connector by hand - this usually works. If the leak is coming from some other section of waste pipe (white or grey plastic) then identify the joint and try tightening by hand. If the leak appears to be coming from a water feed to the taps, report it as a defect - all you need do in the description box is quote the code LUS and state: * Kitchen or ut ility room * Confirm that you haven't recently plumbed something in (nothing else, no explanation, just this ). SELF-DIAGNOSIS Useful checklist If you have just moved in, here are some important reminders: APPLIANCE WARRANTIES Don't forget to complete all of the warranty cards for your fitted electrical appliances. Keep a copy and send them off to the manufacturer. Should you ever need to report a fault, you know they will have proof of your cover. BOILER SERVICE Make a note in your diary to book a service in 12 months time. Failure to maintain annual services could invalidate your warranty cover. WATER AND GAS SHUT-OFF VALVE Make sure you (and other responsible members of the household) know where to find the shut-off valves for water supply and (if applicable) gas. METER READINGS Make a note of your meter readings for your electricity supply, water and gas (if applicable). Keep it somewhere safe. HOW TO ... There are various 'maintenance' tasks you will need to perform around your home, from time-to-time. Take a look at our 'How To ' videos.

  • Bathroom Floor | Managing Your New Home

    FLOOR Is the problem ... Tiled floor has cracked in places ? Guidance: Report it as a defect - all you need do in the description box is quote the code CTF and state bathroom or ensuite (nothing else, no explanation, just this) . ​ ​ SELF-DIAGNOSIS Useful checklist If you have just moved in, here are some important reminders: APPLIANCE WARRANTIES Don't forget to complete all of the warranty cards for your fitted electrical appliances. Keep a copy and send them off to the manufacturer. Should you ever need to report a fault, you know they will have proof of your cover. BOILER SERVICE Make a note in your diary to book a service in 12 months time. Failure to maintain annual services could invalidate your warranty cover. WATER AND GAS SHUT-OFF VALVE Make sure you (and other responsible members of the household) know where to find the shut-off valves for water supply and (if applicable) gas. METER READINGS Make a note of your meter readings for your electricity supply, water and gas (if applicable). Keep it somewhere safe. HOW TO ... There are various 'maintenance' tasks you will need to perform around your home, from time-to-time. Take a look at our 'How To ' videos.

  • Warranty Checklist | Managing Your New Home

    WARRANTY CHECKLIST 使用我们的有用指南了解什么是合法的构建缺陷,什么不是 合法缺陷 这是一个合法的缺陷,由您的开发人员承担。 . 不是合法的缺陷 这不是合法缺陷,并且不在您的开发人员的保障范围内。 . 维护 . 这是房主 MAINTENANCE ,由您负责。 查看 . 请咨询您的开发人员。 警报装置 联系您的开发商或他们的售后服务团队/代理。 失败 警报装置 维修是房主的责任。未能进行年度维护可能会使您的保修失效。 服务 电器(电气) 致电制造商并按照您的设备保修范围内的说明进行操作。 失败 电器(电气) 所有损坏均由房主负责。 损害 堵塞 废物和排水沟 联系您的开发商/售后服务代理。房主造成的堵塞不在承保范围内,可能会产生费用。 砖块和砂浆的裂缝 收缩引起的轻微开裂是正常现象,可以预料 小于5MM 砖块和砂浆的裂缝 联系您的开发商或他们的售后服务团队/代理。 超过5MM 中央供暖锅炉 联系您的开发商或他们的售后服务团队/代理。 分解 中央供暖锅炉 维修是房主的责任。未能保持年度服务检查会缩短系统的使用寿命并使任何保修失效(请参阅锅炉上的服务标签)。 服务 暖气 联系您的开发商或他们的售后服务团队/代理。 漏水的管道和散热器 暖气 如果在前 12 个月内发生这种情况,请联系开发商/售后服务代理。 嘈杂 碎屑和划痕 必须在移交时向开发商报告房屋内物品损坏的索赔。 玻璃、卫生洁具、橱柜、台面和地板 颜色变化 天然材料的颜色和色调变化是正常的并且在意料之中。 木材、大理石等 凝析油 . 由于干燥过程,冷凝是正常现象。它可以通过充分的通风得到缓解,例如打开细流通风口。 混凝土裂缝 收缩引起的轻微开裂是正常现象,可以预料。 小于5MM 混凝土裂缝 联系您的开发商或他们的售后服务团队/代理。 超过5MM 干燥衬里、天花板和内部油漆的裂缝 由于收缩而导致的一些轻微开裂是很正常的,并且是可以预料的。维护和修补是房主的责任。 2MM 或更小(对于楼梯串,4MM 或更小) 干燥衬里、天花板和内部油漆的裂缝 联系开发商或其售后服务团队/代理人,但不要在前 12 个月之前联系。 超过 2 毫米(大于 4 毫米的楼梯绳) 门 锁定、闩锁调整 联系您的开发商或他们的售后服务团队/代理。 门 翘曲和地役权 联系您的开发商或他们的售后服务团队/代理。 门 抓住地毯 联系开发商或他们的售后服务团队/agent 除非您自己安装了地毯,在这种情况下这是房主维护。 电气 变压器、开关、电路、插座 联系您的开发商或他们的售后服务团队/代理。 电气 供应中断 直接联系供应商。 电气 配件损坏和灯泡爆裂 房主维修。 排风扇 联系您的开发商或他们的售后服务团队/代理。 失败 击剑 松动的面板和柱子 这是房主维护问题。由于暴风雨和大风等极端天气条件引起的问题不在保险范围之内。 闪光灯 泄漏或松动 联系您的开发商或他们的售后服务团队/代理。 闪光灯 变色 外部组件会因风化而褪色。 地板饰面 联系您的开发商或他们的售后服务团队/代理。占用后的损坏不包括在内。 失败 地板结构 在前 6 个月联系您的开发人员或他们的售后服务团队/agent 。此后轻微的吱吱声是正常的并且是可以预料的。 噪音 车库门 联系您的开发商或他们的售后服务团队/代理。 锁、电缆和开启动作 气体 疑似泄漏 如果您闻到煤气味或怀疑煤气泄漏,您必须关闭煤气供应,不要操作任何电器,离开房产并拨打供应商的紧急电话号码 (0800 111 999),然后联系您的开发商或他们的售后服务团队/代理。 灌浆 开裂 在前 6 个月内联系您的开发商或他们的售后服务团队/agent ,此后由于收缩导致的轻微开裂是房主维护。 排水沟和落水管 漏水 联系您的开发商或他们的售后服务团队/代理。由于排水沟中的碎片(枯叶等)引起的问题是房主的责任 - 或指定的管理代理人。 浸入式加热器 联系您的开发商或他们的售后服务团队/代理。 失败 厨柜 如果在移交时发现这是一个障碍,将由开发商负责。此后,这是房主维护。 门对齐 厨柜/ 联系您的开发商或他们的售后服务团队/代理。如果分层是由于房主造成的漏水造成的,您可能不在承保范围内。 分层 园林绿化 草坪不排水 联系您的开发商或他们的售后服务团队/代理。 仪表和基本服务 作为房主,您应该直接联系您的服务提供商。 所有问题 钉子或螺丝钉 请联系您的开发人员或他们的售后服务团队/agent 但不要在前 12 个月内联系。 过多的 路径和铺路板 移动 在前 12 个月联系您的开发人员或他们的售后服务团队/agent 。随着天气条件的应用,由于下层土壤的膨胀和收缩,随着时间的推移可能会发生小的移动。 屋顶 所有问题 联系您的开发商或他们的售后服务团队/代理。由于极端天气条件(例如松动或滑动的瓷砖)造成的损坏不在承保范围内。 洁具 所有卫生洁具损坏的索赔都必须在移交时或按照开发商规定的移交程序向开发商提出。 缺口、裂缝和污渍 密封胶和胶泥 在前 6 个月联系您的开发人员或他们的售后服务团队/agent 。此后,这将是房主维护。 所有问题 花园定居点 新表土的一些沉降是正常的并且是可以预料的。 . 淋浴门 联系您的开发商或他们的售后服务团队/代理。 漏水 软装饰 已售出。 . 结构缺陷 联系您的开发商或他们的售后服务团队/代理。 全部 阳光房 漏水 联系您的开发商或他们的售后服务团队/代理。 电话 线路连接 线路连接是房主的责任。 电话 插座 房主可能负责从套接字连接(请参阅您的开发人员的政策)。 电视 服务 房主有责任与服务提供商进行安排。 电视 插座和天线 联系您的开发商或他们的售后服务团队/代理。在公寓住宅的情况下,您的财产通常有线连接到公共接收盘。 电视 天线 - 信号丢失 联系您的开发商或他们的售后服务团队/代理。如果问题出在房主的设备上,则不会将其视为缺陷。 水 漏水的管道和水龙头 联系您的开发商或他们的售后服务团队/代理。 视窗 框架和家具 联系您的开发商或他们的售后服务团队/代理。 视窗 玻璃划痕 必须在障碍检查阶段向您的开发人员指出这一点,因为稍后报告的划痕可能不会被视为合法缺陷。 木头 . 轻微的分离和/或翘曲是正常的并且在意料之中。

  • Wiggett Homes | Managing Your New Home

    客户服务 - 如何报告新家的缺陷 我们希望您对您的新 Wiggett Home 完全满意,但是如果您遇到问题,例如未解决的障碍或新缺陷(在您合法完工之日起 2 年内),请使用此 Occupant Portal 将其报告给您客户服务团队. 首先,您必须先向我们注册(一个简单的过程),然后才能报告任何内容。此后,如果您需要与我们沟通,请登录并前往报告新问题。当您报告新问题时,请务必提供以下信息: 在主题框中: 指出问题的性质 在描述框中: 提供尽可能多的细节,如果它也有助于添加照片或视频 在非可用性框中: 如果您在任何时间或日期无法让承包商参加,请告知我们。这很重要,因为它可以帮助我们为您提供一个我们认为可行的约会日期。 在主题行中: 从财产的完整邮政地址(包括邮政编码)开始 关注,其次是“Arcura Developer”。 在主题行中: 从财产的完整邮政地址(包括邮政编码)开始 关注,其次是“Arcura Developer”。 在描述框中: 解释问题并明确需要采取的措施。 如果您能够附上照片和/或视频,那就更好了。 卧室窗户卡住了 非紧急情况 如果您有任何疑问,请致电:01444 222337 或 电子邮件 ​ 紧急情况 (例如断电/供暖/无法控制的泄漏)不是 使用 他乘员门户 报告 一件紧急状况 - 给我们打电话 以下两个数字: 周一至周五 0830 点至 1700 点电话: 01444 222337 其他时间电话:0330 1748184 前往门户网站

  • Help | Managing Your New Home

    需要一点 额外的帮助? Whatever the problem, we can help point you in the right direction. Buying a new-home should be a trouble-free exercise, but sometimes in life, things don’t always go as smoothly as we would want them to. Your housebuilder (or their appointed after care team) will probably be your first port of call. ​ If the problem is not something they are responsible for, they will probably be able to point you in the right direction. Below is some guidance and access to various parties who may be able to provide you with the support you need. 购买新房应该是一种享受 当您需要指导或建议时,这里有一些有用的路标 我的保修 它为您提供什么保护? 报告缺陷 有一个过程要遵循 维护 你需要不时装饰 其他问题 其他贸易机构和组织

  • I have a problem | Managing Your New Home

    门户网站 Concerned you may have a problem that needs reporting? You could go straight to the Occupant Portal and describe your problem, OR save time using this Quick and Easy self-diagnosis tool (report your problem using a simple code, rather than lengthy description). 如果您是新房主并且有“缺陷”需要报告,您可能会发现您的开发商已经安排了一个 Occupant Portal 链接到您的开发项目。 ​ 如果他们有,那是个好消息,因为这意味着您可以从这里访问门户并在您方便的时候报告问题。 Do you live in ... AN APARTMENT ? or ... A HOUSE ? SELF-DIAGNOSIS

  • Stair string | Managing Your New Home

    STAIR STRING Is the problem ... The stair string has split ? Guidance: Unless the timber is a hardwood you wish to leave exposed, you can fill small cracks before you re-decorate under householder maintenance. There is a gap between the stair string and the wall ? Guidance: Unless the gap is greater than 4mm you can fill small cracks before you re-decorate under householder maintenance, otherwise report it as a defect - all you need do in the description box is quote the code GBSSW (nothing else, no explanation, just this code ). SELF-DIAGNOSIS Useful checklist If you have just moved in, here are some important reminders: APPLIANCE WARRANTIES Don't forget to complete all of the warranty cards for your fitted electrical appliances. Keep a copy and send them off to the manufacturer. Should you ever need to report a fault, you know they will have proof of your cover. BOILER SERVICE Make a note in your diary to book a service in 12 months time. Failure to maintain annual services could invalidate your warranty cover. WATER AND GAS SHUT-OFF VALVE Make sure you (and other responsible members of the household) know where to find the shut-off valves for water supply and (if applicable) gas. METER READINGS Make a note of your meter readings for your electricity supply, water and gas (if applicable). Keep it somewhere safe. HOW TO ... There are various 'maintenance' tasks you will need to perform around your home, from time-to-time. Take a look at our 'How To ' videos.

  • Arcura | Managing Your New Home

    对于 ARCURA 开发人员 如果您遇到 ARCURA 产品或安装问题并需要向 ARCURA 报告,请使用 门户网站 去做这个。您已经预先注册,详细信息已通过电子邮件发送给您。如果你 需要报告问题,只需“登录”并转到“报告新问题”。当你报告一个 新问题,请务必提供以下信息: 在主题框中: 从完整的邮政地址(包括邮政编码)开始 有关物业的名称,其次是“Arcura Developer”。 在描述框中: 解释问题并明确需要做什么 进行。如果您能够附上照片和/或视频,所有 更好。 在非可用性框中: 与您的住户核实,以确定是否有任何日期/日期/时间对工程师不可用 出席。这很重要,因为它有助于我们为您提供 我们知道的约会日期会起作用。 在主题行中: 从财产的完整邮政地址(包括邮政编码)开始 关注,其次是“Arcura Developer”。 在主题行中: 从财产的完整邮政地址(包括邮政编码)开始 关注,其次是“Arcura Developer”。 在描述框中: 解释问题并明确需要采取的措施。 如果您能够附上照片和/或视频,那就更好了。 我们将与您沟通以安排任何必要的工作,而不是与居住者沟通(这将 保持你的责任)。 ​ 请注意:如果您丢失了预注册电子邮件,或者认为自己从未收到过,请联系 ARCURA 客户服务交付主管 Kerri Mansell 01444 230333(分机 226) 前往门户网站

  • Reporting an Emergency | Managing Your New Home

    报告紧急情况 万一您遇到紧急情况,您应该遵循开发商为您提供的程序。 ​ 如果您的后期护理由 After Build 处理,那么这将是您的程序: ​ Telephone 0330 1242262 – 请注意,如果您出于合法紧急情况以外的任何其他原因拨打此紧急服务,您可能需要付费。 ​ 当部署特工时,他们的目标是解决眼前的问题,但不一定要解决问题——这可能会在以后安排。 ​ 由于真正的紧急情况而造成的任何间接损害将在紧急情况得到解决后得到处理,例如漏水后的重新装修。 ​ 合法的紧急情况 紧急情况被定义为“突然和不可预见的事件,立即对居住者的健康造成风险和/或对财产造成损害,使其无法居住、不安全或危险。” ​ 有时您可能会认为情况紧急,但为了确保我们能够为真正需要我们帮助的人提供及时可靠的服务,我们必须遵循以下准则。请不要致电 After Build 紧急服务,除非您的问题至少符合以下条件之一: ​ 1. 排水和管道 在以下情况下,问题将被视为紧急情况: A。厕所是房源内唯一的厕所,不能用一桶水手动冲水; b.马桶即使在不使用时也会漏水,而且漏水是喷涌而出的,无法容纳: C。浴缸、淋浴、面盆或管道即使在不使用时也有泄漏,而且泄漏是涌出且无法控制的; d.外排水管堵塞回流(如果认为堵塞原因是住户使用不当,住户可能需要承担上门费用)。 ​ 2. 供暖和锅炉 在以下情况下,问题将被视为紧急情况: A。 10月1日至次年3月31日期间锅炉未能运行; b.如果锅炉使用时间超过 12 个月且未维修过,则呼叫不会被视为紧急情况(居住者负责保持锅炉维修间隔); C。如果住户仍有热水和暖气,则不视为紧急情况; d.如果存在燃气泄漏的可能性,居住者必须立即关闭燃气并离开房屋并致电燃气供应商; e.如果散热器中存在气闸的可能性,将建议乘员在气闸是由于散热器阀门故障引起的情况下部署工程师,他们将被覆盖,否则,如果散热器仅需要放气,则乘员将收取呼叫费用。 ​ 3. 电气 在以下情况下,问题将被视为紧急情况: A。没有电,消费单元RCD开关无法恢复供电; b.如果附近没有供应,这不会被视为紧急情况,因为这似乎是公用事业公司的问题。 ​ 4. 安全 在以下情况下,问题将被视为紧急情况: A。外门损坏,危及财产安全; b.双层玻璃单元损坏,危及财产安全; C。整体车库与物业的连通门及车库门本身损坏,危及物业安全; d.独立车库或附属建筑中的门或双层玻璃单元损坏不被视为紧急情况; e.不危及财产安全的内门损坏不被视为紧急情况。 报告紧急情况 Use these numbers for Out of Hours Emergencies 万一您遇到紧急情况,您应该遵循开发商为您提供的程序。 ​ 如果您的后期护理由 After Build 处理,那么这将是您的程序: ​ Telephone 0330 1242262 – 请注意,如果您出于合法紧急情况以外的任何其他原因拨打此紧急服务,您可能需要付费。 ​ 当部署特工时,他们的目标是解决眼前的问题,但不一定要解决问题——这可能会在以后安排。 ​ 由于真正的紧急情况而造成的任何间接损害将在紧急情况得到解决后得到处理,例如漏水后的重新装修。 ​ 合法的紧急情况 紧急情况被定义为“突然和不可预见的事件,立即对居住者的健康造成风险和/或对财产造成损害,使其无法居住、不安全或危险。” ​ 有时您可能会认为情况紧急,但为了确保我们能够为真正需要我们帮助的人提供及时可靠的服务,我们必须遵循以下准则。请不要致电 After Build 紧急服务,除非您的问题至少符合以下条件之一: ​ 1. 排水和管道 在以下情况下,问题将被视为紧急情况: A。厕所是房源内唯一的厕所,不能用一桶水手动冲水; b.马桶即使在不使用时也会漏水,而且漏水是喷涌而出的,无法容纳: C。浴缸、淋浴、面盆或管道即使在不使用时也有泄漏,而且泄漏是涌出且无法控制的; d.外排水管堵塞回流(如果认为堵塞原因是住户使用不当,住户可能需要承担上门费用)。 ​ 2. 供暖和锅炉 在以下情况下,问题将被视为紧急情况: A。 10月1日至次年3月31日期间锅炉未能运行; b.如果锅炉使用时间超过 12 个月且未维修过,则呼叫不会被视为紧急情况(居住者负责保持锅炉维修间隔); C。如果住户仍有热水和暖气,则不视为紧急情况; d.如果存在燃气泄漏的可能性,居住者必须立即关闭燃气并离开房屋并致电燃气供应商; e.如果散热器中存在气闸的可能性,将建议乘员在气闸是由于散热器阀门故障引起的情况下部署工程师,他们将被覆盖,否则,如果散热器仅需要放气,则乘员将收取呼叫费用。 ​ 3. 电气 在以下情况下,问题将被视为紧急情况: A。没有电,消费单元RCD开关无法恢复供电; b.如果附近没有供应,这不会被视为紧急情况,因为这似乎是公用事业公司的问题。 ​ 4. 安全 在以下情况下,问题将被视为紧急情况: A。外门损坏,危及财产安全; b.双层玻璃单元损坏,危及财产安全; C。整体车库与物业的连通门及车库门本身损坏,危及物业安全; d.独立车库或附属建筑中的门或双层玻璃单元损坏不被视为紧急情况; e.不危及财产安全的内门损坏不被视为紧急情况。 GAS EMERGENCY If you think you can smell gas, call: Call 0800 111 999

  • Hall | Managing Your New Home

    HALL (GROUNDFLOOR) Is the problem related to the ... CEILING ? or ... ELECTRICAL ? or ... FLOOR ? or ... HEATING ? or ... WALL ? or ... WINDOW ? ​ SELF-DIAGNOSIS Useful checklist If you have just moved in, here are some important reminders: APPLIANCE WARRANTIES Don't forget to complete all of the warranty cards for your fitted electrical appliances. Keep a copy and send them off to the manufacturer. Should you ever need to report a fault, you know they will have proof of your cover. BOILER SERVICE Make a note in your diary to book a service in 12 months time. Failure to maintain annual services could invalidate your warranty cover. WATER AND GAS SHUT-OFF VALVE Make sure you (and other responsible members of the household) know where to find the shut-off valves for water supply and (if applicable) gas. METER READINGS Make a note of your meter readings for your electricity supply, water and gas (if applicable). Keep it somewhere safe. HOW TO ... There are various 'maintenance' tasks you will need to perform around your home, from time-to-time. Take a look at our 'How To ' videos.

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