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  • Winter | Managing Your New Home

    DLA PROGRAMISTÓW ARCURA Jeśli napotkasz problem z produktem lub instalacją firmy ARCURA i chcesz go zgłosić firmie ARCURA, skorzystaj z formularza Portal to zrobić. Zostałeś wstępnie zarejestrowany, a szczegóły przesłane do Ciebie e-mailem. Jeśli ty chcesz zgłosić problem, po prostu „ZALOGUJ SIĘ” i przejdź do „ZGŁOŚ NOWY PROBLEM”. Kiedy zgłaszasz a nowy problem, ważne jest, aby podać następujące informacje:

  • What to do when you move in | Managing Your New Home

    JUST MOVED IN - SO NOW WHAT? Jeśli jesteś nowym właścicielem domu i masz „usterkę”, którą musisz zgłosić, może się okazać, że deweloper przygotował portal dla mieszkańców, który będzie powiązany z Twoją inwestycją. ​ Jeśli mają, to świetna wiadomość, ponieważ oznacza to, że możesz stąd uzyskać dostęp do portalu i zgłaszać problemy w dogodnym dla siebie momencie. USE OUR HANDY GUIDE TO MAKE SURE YOU HAVEN'T OVERLOOKED ANYTHING IMPORTANT. ZNAJDŹ SWÓJ PORTAL MANUALS AND WARRANTIES On the day of completion, either your developer or your conveyancer (solicitor) should have handed you a range of documents concerning warranty cover, appliances and systems. So check that you have : 1. A full copy of the 10 year warranty covering your property along with a certificate of the same. 2. A user manual for your heating and hot water system/programmer. 3. A user manual for all of the fitted electrical appliances in your new home. 4. A warranty for the heating and hot water system. 5. A warranty for all of the electrical appliances in your new home. ​ If anything is missing, chase it up with your developer/conveyancer as it is YOUR responsibility to complete all warranty documents and register with the manufacturer. If you don't do this and later an appliance or system fails, you won't be able to report it. BUILDER'S RECTIFICATION PERIOD As a condition of your warranty, years 1-2 are known as the Builder's Rectification Period. This means that if you report a genuine build defect to your developer within this timeframe, they are duty bound to attend to the issue at their expense (not yours). Years 3-10 are generally regarded as the 'structural' warranty years (in the highly unlikely instance that something more critical occurs). ​ Make sure you understand what this does and does not cover you for, and how to report a defect should you need to. ​ Not covered : Maintenance Weather/storm damage Homeowner damage Criminal damage Servicing of boiler/ventilation systems Re-pressurising boiler Bleeding radiators SETTLING IN A new build employs a great deal of water in it's construction - concrete, plaster, paint etc. For this reason a period of 'drying out' is required. We would strongly advise you do not decorate for the first 12 months as you will notice over that period small 'hairline' cracks appear in walls and ceilings - often around apertures for windows and doors. This is perfectly normal and is NOT a defect. However, as these will need to be filled before re-decorating, you should allow a year. ​ For the same reason, if you want to hang wallpaper, wait until the end of the first 12 months. ​ Don't try to force the drying out by turning up the heating as this is likely to create even more cracks (as well as bigger cracks). ​ ​ KEEPING WARM With the onset of winter we'll all be looking to turn up the heat sooner or later. ​ Modern properties benefit from high levels of insulation so this means you don't need to turn up the heat as much as before. To heat a house economically it's better to maintain a constant, low level of heat output - especially with underfloor heating. ​ Remember too, one of the most important things to do is maintain your annual heating/boiler system service intervals. Failure to do this could invalidate your warranty. ​ There are some procedures that you'll be required to maintain yourself as they are not deemed to be 'defects': ​ 1. Re-pressurising a boiler - this is a relatively simple process which will be explained in your user manual (or failing that there are always lots of really helpful YouTube 'how-to' videos. 2. Bleeding a radiator - if you have a heating system which includes wall hung/floor standing radiators it is possible for an airlock to travel around the system causing cool areas in the radiator. A small container (cup), cloth and a bleed key are all that are required to resolve this - again 'YouTube is your friend'. 3. Ensure that you have set-up programmers and thermostats correctly as this is one of the most common reasons why heating problems can occur. KEEPING DRY As already mentioned above (keeping warm), modern homes are very well insulated so adequate ventilation is important when creating a lot of warm water moisture in your property. Examples of this include: 1. Use of bath and/or shower. 2. Cooking. 3. Lots of people in small confined areas. ​ When warm moist air hits a cool surface e.g. a double glazed window, it quickly condenses i.e., turns back to liquid water in the form of droplets which as they build up, will run and cause damage to your window frames, window boards and decoration. ​ Worse than this is the build up of mould spores - these appear as a 'rash' of black or dark spots on a wall, floor or ceiling - often in corners of rooms or behind wall units. These are DANGEROUS as the spores when inhaled can cause severe lung conditions. ​ So, ALWAYS, use your trickle vents (the small opening vents above double glazed windows), any opening window lights, and of course any ventilation system e.g., ceiling mounted extraction fans in bathrooms and kitchens.​ ​ PERSONALISATION Putting our stamp on anything is really important to a lot of us - the ability to personalise a room with a change of decoration or the addition of art on the walls. ​ Pictures and photographs are a nice way to achieve this however remember that there are pipes and cables very often between two wall surfaces so it's critical that you avoid these if you don't want to take out your power or create a flood. ​ Your developer may have already provided you with helpful information if they supplied any form of home user manual. ​ Things to look out for - switches and power sockets - avoid the space above and below (unlikely that power cables span horizontally and certainly not diagonally). ​ Best of all - buy a pipe/cable locator from your local DIY suppler. These are easy to use, inexpensive tools which identify the position and nature of a power cable and/or a water/gas pipe behind any dry lining. ​ Bear in mind also that if you're planning on hanging anything heavier than a painting, you wall may not be designed to take the weight; or at least, with 'cavity' walls you should seek out the appropriate fixings, designed for this purpose - again consult a knowledgeable DIY assistant for guidance (weight load is usually shown on the packet). NO POWER! If your power goes off, what do you do first? Check your consumer unit (the box with all the fuses). ​ Here's how to read it : 1. If ALL the small switches are in the upright position, this is most likely a power cut - check with your neighbours to see if they are in the same boat! ​ 2. If ANY of the small switches are in the down position, take note of what it says (they should all have been labelled) this will almost certainly be the circuit with the problem. Think back to what you were doing seconds before the power went down - if you were ironing, unplug your iron and flip the fuse switch back to the upright position. If it stays up, the problem has been identified (you have a faulty iron). ​ 3. If you have no power and you have checked with neighbours who appear unaffected, report this as an emergency (use the instructions provided by your developer for reporting emergencies).

  • App | Managing Your New Home

    GET THE APP Chcieliśmy dać homeowners convenient dostęp do naszej witryny. Czy jest więc lepszy sposób niż zaoferowanie Ci APP? Dostępne w „Apple Store” i „Google Play” Zarządzanie Twoim nowym domem jest bezpłatna, a jej instalacja na telefonie lub tablecie zajmuje kilka sekund. ​ JAK POBRAĆ APLIKACJĘ Jabłko or Android obsługujemy oba

  • Reporting a Defect | Managing Your New Home

    ZGŁOSZENIE USTERKI Portal Occupant został zaprojektowany z myślą o szybkości i łatwości zgłaszania wad konstrukcyjnych. To jest portal After Build, jednak istnieje wielu innych programistów, którzy prowadzą własne (kliknij po szczegóły ). ​ Jest to bezpieczna platforma dostępna za pośrednictwem dowolnej przeglądarki internetowej na różnych urządzeniach… smartfonach (Android i i-OS), tabletach, laptopach i komputerach stacjonarnych każdego dnia i o dowolnej porze, według własnych potrzeb. Dostęp przez Portal Lokatora oznacza, że możesz zgłosić nową usterkę, a my poznamy szczegóły zaraz po przesłaniu zgłoszenia. ​ Upewnij się, że podajesz wystarczająco szczegółowy opis problemu. Jeśli masz zdjęcia lub nawet wideo, możesz je dołączyć do swojego zgłoszenia. Nie tylko możesz zgłosić nową usterkę, ale możesz także śledzić istniejącą usterkę, aby zobaczyć, jak postępuje problem, przejrzeć notatki na temat każdej otwartej sprawy i potwierdzić uzgodnioną datę spotkania. ​ Po otrzymaniu informacji prawdopodobnie skontaktuje się z Tobą koordynator ds. nieruchomości w celu omówienia problemu. ​ Twój deweloper (lub wyznaczony opiekun) skontaktuje się z odpowiednim wykonawcą i zleci mu wykonanie prac, ale wszystkie ustalenia zostaną dokonane w Twoim imieniu, więc potrzebujesz tylko jednego punktu kontaktowego. ​ Większość zadań jest rozwiązywana w ciągu 30 dni (pod warunkiem rozsądnej współpracy najemcy i wykonawcy oraz, w stosownych przypadkach, zamówienia części). W przypadku usterek objętych gwarancją (większość instalacji hydraulicznych i elektrycznych, kuchnie do zabudowy, podłoga kontraktowa, okna i drzwi) zespół obsługi posprzedażowej jest umownie zobowiązany do zgłoszenia tego pierwotnemu wykonawcy. ​ DOSTĘP DO PORTALU UŻYTKOWNIKA Naprawdę nie ma lepszego sposobu na zgłoszenie usterki niż skorzystanie z Portalu Okupanta. Jest bezpieczny, szybki i niezwykle wygodny. ​ ​ POBIERZ APLIKACJĘ PORTALU

  • Electrical Loft | Managing Your New Home

    ELECTRICAL Is the problem ... A wall socket has got no power ? Guidance: Unplug any appliance and check that the RCD at the electrical consumer unit hasn't tripped. If it has it may be the appliance that is faulty. Test it by plugging a different appliance into the socket and see if it remains live. If so, this is not a defect, however if the socket is dead in all circumstances, report it as a defect - all you need do in the description box is quote the code WSNP and state loft (nothing else, no explanation, just this) . A light has stopped working ? Guidance: Check that it is not the bulb by replacing with a new bulb. Check that the RCD at the electrical consumer unit hasn't tripped. If it's not the bulb or the RCD report it as a defect - all you need do in the description box is quote the code LSW and state loft (nothing else, no explanation, just this) . ​ ​ SELF-DIAGNOSIS Useful checklist If you have just moved in, here are some important reminders: APPLIANCE WARRANTIES Don't forget to complete all of the warranty cards for your fitted electrical appliances. Keep a copy and send them off to the manufacturer. Should you ever need to report a fault, you know they will have proof of your cover. BOILER SERVICE Make a note in your diary to book a service in 12 months time. Failure to maintain annual services could invalidate your warranty cover. WATER AND GAS SHUT-OFF VALVE Make sure you (and other responsible members of the household) know where to find the shut-off valves for water supply and (if applicable) gas. METER READINGS Make a note of your meter readings for your electricity supply, water and gas (if applicable). Keep it somewhere safe. HOW TO ... There are various 'maintenance' tasks you will need to perform around your home, from time-to-time. Take a look at our 'How To ' videos.

  • Utilities | Managing Your New Home

    NARZĘDZIA Nigdy nie zakładaj, że otrzymujesz najlepszą dostępną ofertę na gaz lub energię elektryczną. Istnieje wiele stron internetowych, które pomogą Ci znaleźć dostawcę najlepiej dopasowanego do Twoich potrzeb i budżetu, więc rozejrzyj się za gazem i elektrycznością. DOTACJE I ŚWIADCZENIA POMOCNE W OPŁACENIU RACHUNKÓW ZA ENERGIĘ POWIEDZ MI WIĘCEJ GWARANCJA CENY ENERGII RZĄDU WIELKIEJ BRYTANII DETALE POWIEDZ MI WIĘCEJ OPCJE ENERGII UZYSKANIE NAJLEPSZEJ OFERTY W ostatnich latach było wiele doniesień medialnych i debat na temat stale rosnących kosztów energii. Kiedy przeprowadzasz się do nowego domu, ważne jest, abyś upewnił się, że Twoje paliwo i rozwiązania telekomunikacyjne są najlepsze dla Twoich celów. JAKI JEST KOSZT? Wiele new domów jest wyposażonych w inteligentny licznik — istotne ulepszenie naszej krajowej infrastruktury energetycznej i wspierające opłacalną realizację rządowego zobowiązania do zerowej emisji netto. OŚWIETLENIE NISKIEGO ENERGII Twój programista będzie już korzystał z energooszczędnych świateł – pamiętaj, aby kontynuować to, dodając okazjonalne lampy itp. NIEKTÓRE STRONY PORÓWNAJĄCE ENERGIĘ Zarządzanie nowym domem NIE poleca żadnej z tych witryn iw żaden sposób nie jest powiązane z firmami dostarczającymi te informacje. UWIELBIAM OSZCZĘDNOŚĆ ENERGII PRZEŁĄCZNIK INFOLINIA ENERGETYCZNA SUPERMARKET PIENIĘDZY PO PROSTU PRZEŁĄCZ ENERGIA LINX SKLEP ENERGETYCZNY MÓJ GENIUSZ UŻYTKOWY PRZEŁĄCZ GAZ I ELEKTRYKĘ STREFA CYTACJI NIESAMOWITE

  • Electrical Bathroom | Managing Your New Home

    ELECTRICAL Is the problem ... A light has stopped working ? Guidance: Check that it is not the bulb by replacing with a new bulb. Check that the RCD at the electrical consumer unit hasn't tripped. If it's not the bulb or the RCD report it as a defect - all you need do in the description box is quote the code LSW and state: * Bathroom or ensuite * LED or strip or pendant or mirror light (nothing else, no explanation, just this) . Your shaver socket does not work ? Guidance: Check that the RCD at the electric consumer unit has not tripped and be certain that your shaver is working (if you have more than one shaver socket try it in the other one. Remember, this socket is for electric shaver and toothbrush only - nothing else. If it still won't work, report it as a defect - all you need do in the description box is quote the code SSD and state: * Bathroom or ensuite (nothing else, no explanation, just this) . ​ SELF-DIAGNOSIS Useful checklist If you have just moved in, here are some important reminders: APPLIANCE WARRANTIES Don't forget to complete all of the warranty cards for your fitted electrical appliances. Keep a copy and send them off to the manufacturer. Should you ever need to report a fault, you know they will have proof of your cover. BOILER SERVICE Make a note in your diary to book a service in 12 months time. Failure to maintain annual services could invalidate your warranty cover. WATER AND GAS SHUT-OFF VALVE Make sure you (and other responsible members of the household) know where to find the shut-off valves for water supply and (if applicable) gas. METER READINGS Make a note of your meter readings for your electricity supply, water and gas (if applicable). Keep it somewhere safe. HOW TO ... There are various 'maintenance' tasks you will need to perform around your home, from time-to-time. Take a look at our 'How To ' videos.

  • Spindle | Managing Your New Home

    SPINDLE Is the problem ... The spindle has become loose ? Guidance: There could be slight play in a spindle, but each spindle is usually secured at the top and the bottom with small spacers of timber between each one. If it appears one is missing or very lose, report it as a defect - all you need do in the description box is quote the code SIL and state: * Which spindle (count from top) (nothing else, no explanation, just this code ). ​ ​ SELF-DIAGNOSIS Useful checklist If you have just moved in, here are some important reminders: APPLIANCE WARRANTIES Don't forget to complete all of the warranty cards for your fitted electrical appliances. Keep a copy and send them off to the manufacturer. Should you ever need to report a fault, you know they will have proof of your cover. BOILER SERVICE Make a note in your diary to book a service in 12 months time. Failure to maintain annual services could invalidate your warranty cover. WATER AND GAS SHUT-OFF VALVE Make sure you (and other responsible members of the household) know where to find the shut-off valves for water supply and (if applicable) gas. METER READINGS Make a note of your meter readings for your electricity supply, water and gas (if applicable). Keep it somewhere safe. HOW TO ... There are various 'maintenance' tasks you will need to perform around your home, from time-to-time. Take a look at our 'How To ' videos.

  • Sitting room | Managing Your New Home

    SITTING ROOM Is the problem related to the ... CEILING ? or ... DOOR ? or ... ELECTRICAL ? or ... FLOOR ? or ... HEATING ? or ... WALL ? or ... WINDOW ? ​ ​ SELF-DIAGNOSIS Useful checklist If you have just moved in, here are some important reminders: APPLIANCE WARRANTIES Don't forget to complete all of the warranty cards for your fitted electrical appliances. Keep a copy and send them off to the manufacturer. Should you ever need to report a fault, you know they will have proof of your cover. BOILER SERVICE Make a note in your diary to book a service in 12 months time. Failure to maintain annual services could invalidate your warranty cover. WATER AND GAS SHUT-OFF VALVE Make sure you (and other responsible members of the household) know where to find the shut-off valves for water supply and (if applicable) gas. METER READINGS Make a note of your meter readings for your electricity supply, water and gas (if applicable). Keep it somewhere safe. HOW TO ... There are various 'maintenance' tasks you will need to perform around your home, from time-to-time. Take a look at our 'How To ' videos.

  • Bathroom | Managing Your New Home

    BATHROOM Is the problem related to the ... BATH? or ... CEILING ? or ... DOOR ? or ... ELECTRICAL? or ... FLOOR ? or ... HEATING ? or ... HOT WATER ? or ... SHOWER ? or ... TILING ? or ... WALL ? or ... WASH HAND BASIN ? or ... WC ? or ... WINDOW ? or ... VENTILATION ? ​ SELF-DIAGNOSIS Useful checklist If you have just moved in, here are some important reminders: APPLIANCE WARRANTIES Don't forget to complete all of the warranty cards for your fitted electrical appliances. Keep a copy and send them off to the manufacturer. Should you ever need to report a fault, you know they will have proof of your cover. BOILER SERVICE Make a note in your diary to book a service in 12 months time. Failure to maintain annual services could invalidate your warranty cover. WATER AND GAS SHUT-OFF VALVE Make sure you (and other responsible members of the household) know where to find the shut-off valves for water supply and (if applicable) gas. METER READINGS Make a note of your meter readings for your electricity supply, water and gas (if applicable). Keep it somewhere safe. HOW TO ... There are various 'maintenance' tasks you will need to perform around your home, from time-to-time. Take a look at our 'How To ' videos.

  • Light Bulbs | Managing Your New Home

    ŻARÓWKI Deweloperzy są zobowiązani do projektowania mieszkań z myślą o efektywności energetycznej, w tym systemów oświetlenia. ​ Żarówki dostępne są w wielu różnych formach, najczęściej o niskim zapotrzebowaniu na energię. Może to oznaczać, że żarówka może minąć kilka chwil od momentu włączenia, zanim osiągnie maksymalną moc świetlną. ​ Niektóre żarówki są wyposażone w małą przyssawkę, która ułatwia wyjmowanie starej, a dzięki mniejszemu zużyciu energii żarówki zwykle działają o wiele dłużej niż kiedyś. ​ Deweloperzy są zobowiązani do projektowania mieszkań z myślą o efektywności energetycznej, w tym systemów oświetlenia. ​ Żarówki dostępne są w wielu różnych formach, najczęściej o niskim zapotrzebowaniu na energię. Może to oznaczać, że żarówka może minąć kilka chwil od momentu włączenia, zanim osiągnie maksymalną moc świetlną. ​ Niektóre żarówki są wyposażone w małą przyssawkę, która ułatwia wyjmowanie starej, a dzięki mniejszemu zużyciu energii żarówki zwykle działają o wiele dłużej niż kiedyś. ​ ŚWIATŁA Z WŁÓWKIEM WĘGLOWYM (CFL) Znane również jako żarówki „Edisona” lub żarówki „Antique filament” i są obecnie bardzo modne zarówno w środowiskach domowych, jak i komercyjnych. PLUS Dodaje wnętrzu ciepła, charakteru i szyku. MINUS Niższe poziomy emisji światła – bardziej chodzi o wygląd niż o oświetlenie i stosunkowo drogie w zakupie. ​ LED (dioda elektroluminescencyjna) Najwyższy poziom strumienia świetlnego, prawie całkowity brak ciepła. PLUS Bardzo długa żywotność (do 50 000 godzin), która jest około 50 razy dłuższa niż żarówka, 25 razy dłuższa niż lampa halogenowa i 10 razy dłuższa niż świetlówka CFL. Zapewnia najbardziej efektywne wykorzystanie energii elektrycznej – używana 12 godzin dziennie żarówka o żywotności 50 000 godzin wystarczy na 11 lat. Odporny również na wstrząsy i wibracje. MINUS Drogie w zakupie – ale pamiętaj, tańsze w dłuższej perspektywie. ​ UCHWYTY DO LAMP Historycznie rzecz biorąc, trzonek „Bayonet” był używany w większości domowych systemów oświetleniowych w Wielkiej Brytanii, a zakrętka „Edison” była używana w Europie i USA. Większość dzisiejszych świateł będzie miała wersje dostępne w każdym z nich. Najpopularniejsze rozmiary to: ​ E27 lub ES lub śruba standardowa do mocowania żarówek z trzonkiem o średnicy 27 mm. ​ E14 or SES lub Small Edison Śruba do mocowania żarówek z trzonkiem o średnicy 14 mm. ​ B22 lub Ba22d lub trzonek bagnetowy do mocowania żarówek z trzonkiem o średnicy 22 mm. ​ B15 or Ba15d lub SBC lub mała nasadka bagnetowa do mocowania żarówek z nasadką o średnicy 15 mm.

  • Water cylinder | Managing Your New Home

    HOT WATER CYLINDER Is the problem ... The hot water cylinder is not working ? Guidance: First check that there is power to the cylinder - has the RCD tripped at the electric consumer unit? Then check your programmer - is the correct date and time set? Have you looked at your water ON/OFF sequence - is is correctly set for the timings when you want hot water? If all appears correct then report it as a defect - all you need do in the description box is quote the code HWCNW and confirm: * Last serviced date (nothing else, no explanation, just this code) . The hot water cylinder only works intermittently ? Guidance: This sounds more like a programmer issue. Check that you have set the correct date and time. Check the water ON sequence to ensure it is being asked for hot water when you need it. If all appears correct, report it as a defect - all you need do in the description box is quote the code H WCNWI and confirm: * Last serviced date (nothing else, no explanation, just this code) . The water doesn't get hot, just warm ? Guidance: This sounds more like a programmer issue i.e. the cylinder is not programmed for long enough periods. Check that you have set the correct date and time. Check the water ON sequence to ensure it is being asked for hot water when you need it. If all appears correct, report it as a defect - all you need do in the description box is quote the code H WJW and confirm: * Last serviced date (nothing else, no explanation, just this code) . The hot water programmer is not working ? Guidance: Check that you have set the correct date and time. Check the water ON sequence to ensure it is being asked for hot water when you need it. If all appears correct, report it as a defect - all you need do in the description box is quote the code H WPNW (nothing else, no explanation, just this code) . SELF-DIAGNOSIS Useful checklist If you have just moved in, here are some important reminders: APPLIANCE WARRANTIES Don't forget to complete all of the warranty cards for your fitted electrical appliances. Keep a copy and send them off to the manufacturer. Should you ever need to report a fault, you know they will have proof of your cover. BOILER SERVICE Make a note in your diary to book a service in 12 months time. Failure to maintain annual services could invalidate your warranty cover. WATER AND GAS SHUT-OFF VALVE Make sure you (and other responsible members of the household) know where to find the shut-off valves for water supply and (if applicable) gas. METER READINGS Make a note of your meter readings for your electricity supply, water and gas (if applicable). Keep it somewhere safe. HOW TO ... There are various 'maintenance' tasks you will need to perform around your home, from time-to-time. Take a look at our 'How To ' videos.

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