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  • Electrical Loft | Managing Your New Home

    ELECTRICAL Is the problem ... A wall socket has got no power ? Guidance: Unplug any appliance and check that the RCD at the electrical consumer unit hasn't tripped. If it has it may be the appliance that is faulty. Test it by plugging a different appliance into the socket and see if it remains live. If so, this is not a defect, however if the socket is dead in all circumstances, report it as a defect - all you need do in the description box is quote the code WSNP and state loft (nothing else, no explanation, just this) . A light has stopped working ? Guidance: Check that it is not the bulb by replacing with a new bulb. Check that the RCD at the electrical consumer unit hasn't tripped. If it's not the bulb or the RCD report it as a defect - all you need do in the description box is quote the code LSW and state loft (nothing else, no explanation, just this) . SELF-DIAGNOSIS Useful checklist If you have just moved in, here are some important reminders: APPLIANCE WARRANTIES Don't forget to complete all of the warranty cards for your fitted electrical appliances. Keep a copy and send them off to the manufacturer. Should you ever need to report a fault, you know they will have proof of your cover. BOILER SERVICE Make a note in your diary to book a service in 12 months time. Failure to maintain annual services could invalidate your warranty cover. WATER AND GAS SHUT-OFF VALVE Make sure you (and other responsible members of the household) know where to find the shut-off valves for water supply and (if applicable) gas. METER READINGS Make a note of your meter readings for your electricity supply, water and gas (if applicable). Keep it somewhere safe. HOW TO ... There are various 'maintenance' tasks you will need to perform around your home, from time-to-time. Take a look at our 'How To ' videos.

  • Stairs | Managing Your New Home

    STAIRS Is the problem related to the ... HANDRAIL ? or ... POSTS ? or ... RISERS ? or ... SPINDLES ? or ... STAIR STRING ? or ... TREADS ? SELF-DIAGNOSIS Useful checklist If you have just moved in, here are some important reminders: APPLIANCE WARRANTIES Don't forget to complete all of the warranty cards for your fitted electrical appliances. Keep a copy and send them off to the manufacturer. Should you ever need to report a fault, you know they will have proof of your cover. BOILER SERVICE Make a note in your diary to book a service in 12 months time. Failure to maintain annual services could invalidate your warranty cover. WATER AND GAS SHUT-OFF VALVE Make sure you (and other responsible members of the household) know where to find the shut-off valves for water supply and (if applicable) gas. METER READINGS Make a note of your meter readings for your electricity supply, water and gas (if applicable). Keep it somewhere safe. HOW TO ... There are various 'maintenance' tasks you will need to perform around your home, from time-to-time. Take a look at our 'How To ' videos.

  • Conservatory | Managing Your New Home

    CONSERVATORY Is the problem related to the ... CEILING ? or ... DOOR ? or ... ELECTRICAL ? or ... FITTED FURNITURE ? or ... FLOOR ? or ... HEATING ? or ... WALL ? or ... WINDOW ? or ... VENTILATION ? SELF-DIAGNOSIS Useful checklist If you have just moved in, here are some important reminders: APPLIANCE WARRANTIES Don't forget to complete all of the warranty cards for your fitted electrical appliances. Keep a copy and send them off to the manufacturer. Should you ever need to report a fault, you know they will have proof of your cover. BOILER SERVICE Make a note in your diary to book a service in 12 months time. Failure to maintain annual services could invalidate your warranty cover. WATER AND GAS SHUT-OFF VALVE Make sure you (and other responsible members of the household) know where to find the shut-off valves for water supply and (if applicable) gas. METER READINGS Make a note of your meter readings for your electricity supply, water and gas (if applicable). Keep it somewhere safe. HOW TO ... There are various 'maintenance' tasks you will need to perform around your home, from time-to-time. Take a look at our 'How To ' videos.

  • Loft | Managing Your New Home

    LOFT Is the problem related to the ... ELECTRICAL ? or ... HATCH ? or ... INSULATION ? or ... LADDER ? SELF-DIAGNOSIS Useful checklist If you have just moved in, here are some important reminders: APPLIANCE WARRANTIES Don't forget to complete all of the warranty cards for your fitted electrical appliances. Keep a copy and send them off to the manufacturer. Should you ever need to report a fault, you know they will have proof of your cover. BOILER SERVICE Make a note in your diary to book a service in 12 months time. Failure to maintain annual services could invalidate your warranty cover. WATER AND GAS SHUT-OFF VALVE Make sure you (and other responsible members of the household) know where to find the shut-off valves for water supply and (if applicable) gas. METER READINGS Make a note of your meter readings for your electricity supply, water and gas (if applicable). Keep it somewhere safe. HOW TO ... There are various 'maintenance' tasks you will need to perform around your home, from time-to-time. Take a look at our 'How To ' videos.

  • Landing | Managing Your New Home

    LANDING (UPSTAIRS) Is the problem related to the ... CEILING ? or ... ELECTRICAL ? or ... FLOOR ? or ... HEATING ? or ... WALL ? or ... WINDOW ? SELF-DIAGNOSIS Useful checklist If you have just moved in, here are some important reminders: APPLIANCE WARRANTIES Don't forget to complete all of the warranty cards for your fitted electrical appliances. Keep a copy and send them off to the manufacturer. Should you ever need to report a fault, you know they will have proof of your cover. BOILER SERVICE Make a note in your diary to book a service in 12 months time. Failure to maintain annual services could invalidate your warranty cover. WATER AND GAS SHUT-OFF VALVE Make sure you (and other responsible members of the household) know where to find the shut-off valves for water supply and (if applicable) gas. METER READINGS Make a note of your meter readings for your electricity supply, water and gas (if applicable). Keep it somewhere safe. HOW TO ... There are various 'maintenance' tasks you will need to perform around your home, from time-to-time. Take a look at our 'How To ' videos.

  • Electrical General | Managing Your New Home

    ELECTRICAL Is the problem ... A wall socket has got no power ? Guidance: Unplug any appliance and check that the RCD at the electrical consumer unit hasn't tripped. If it has it may be the appliance that is faulty. Test it by plugging a different appliance into the socket and see if it remains live. If so, this is not a defect, however if the socket is dead in all circumstances, report it as a defect - all you need do in the description box is quote the code WSNP and state: * Which room * Type - 3 pin or 3 pin with USB (nothing else, no explanation, just this) . A light has stopped working ? Guidance: Check that it is not the bulb by replacing with a new bulb. Check that the RCD at the electrical consumer unit hasn't tripped. If it's not the bulb or the RCD report it as a defect - all you need do in the description box is quote the code LSW and state: * W hich room * LED or strip or pendant (nothing else, no explanation, just this) . Your TV receives no signal from the aerial/dish socket ? Guidance: Check that your TV set is tuned to receive a signal. If you want to receive Sky TV you must first have a subscription to that service. If everything appears to be fine, report it as a defect - all you need do in the description box is quote the code NTVS and state: * Which room (nothing else, no explanation, just this) . Your telephone has no dial tone when plugged into the master socket ? Guidance: Be sure that you have informed your telephone service provider that you have moved and that your line is connected to your new number. If you are using a re-chargeable phone, make sure that it is charged first and that the base unit is powered up. If everything appears fine, report it as a defect - all you need do in the description box is quote the code NDT (nothing else, no explanation, just this code). The media panel is defective? Guidance: If any of the sockets are failing to provide a connection to a media device, report it as a defect - all you need do in the description box is quote the code NDT (nothing else, no explanation, just this code) . SELF-DIAGNOSIS Useful checklist If you have just moved in, here are some important reminders: APPLIANCE WARRANTIES Don't forget to complete all of the warranty cards for your fitted electrical appliances. Keep a copy and send them off to the manufacturer. Should you ever need to report a fault, you know they will have proof of your cover. BOILER SERVICE Make a note in your diary to book a service in 12 months time. Failure to maintain annual services could invalidate your warranty cover. WATER AND GAS SHUT-OFF VALVE Make sure you (and other responsible members of the household) know where to find the shut-off valves for water supply and (if applicable) gas. METER READINGS Make a note of your meter readings for your electricity supply, water and gas (if applicable). Keep it somewhere safe. HOW TO ... There are various 'maintenance' tasks you will need to perform around your home, from time-to-time. Take a look at our 'How To ' videos.

  • Peter David Homes | Managing Your New Home

    OBSŁUGA KLIENTA - Jak zgłosić usterkę w nowym domu Mamy nadzieję, że jesteś w pełni usatysfakcjonowany swoim nowym Domem Beauforta, jednak jeśli napotkasz problem, taki jak nierozwiązany problem lub nowa usterka (w ciągu 2 lat od daty legalnego zakończenia), skorzystaj z Portalu Mieszkańców, aby zgłosić to swojemu Zespół obsługi klienta. Najpierw musisz się u nas ZAREJESTROWAĆ (prosty proces), zanim będziesz mógł cokolwiek zgłosić. Następnie, jeśli chcesz się z nami skontaktować, ZALOGUJ SIĘ i przejdź do ZGŁOŚ NOWY PROBLEM. Gdy zgłaszasz nowy problem, ważne jest, aby podać następujące informacje: W RAMCE TEMAT: Wskaż charakter problemu W POLU OPISU: Podaj jak najwięcej szczegółów, a jeśli to pomoże, dodaj też zdjęcia lub wideo W PUDEŁKU NIEDOSTĘPNY: Daj nam znać, jeśli są jakieś godziny lub daty, w których wykonawca NIE JEST DOSTĘPNY. Jest to ważne, ponieważ pomaga nam zaproponować termin spotkania, o którym wiemy, że będzie pasować. W TEMACIE: Zacznij od PEŁNEGO adresu pocztowego (wraz z kodem pocztowym) nieruchomości zainteresowany, a następnie „Arcura Developer”. W TEMACIE: Zacznij od PEŁNEGO adresu pocztowego (wraz z kodem pocztowym) nieruchomości zainteresowany, a następnie „Arcura Developer”. W POLU OPISU: Wyjaśnij problem i wyjaśnij, co należy zrobić. Jeśli możesz załączyć zdjęcia i/lub wideo, tym lepiej. Zablokowane okno w sypialni NIE AWARYJNE Jeśli masz pytanie Tel: 01444 226401 lub E-mail: SYTUACJE AWARYJNE (np. utrata zasilania/ogrzewania/niemożliwy do opanowania wyciek) TakNIE Użyj T Portal okupanta Zgłosić nagły wypadek - zadzwoń do nas na jeden z następujące dwa numery: Poniedziałek - piątek 0830 - 1700 Tel: 01444 226401 oraz w każdym innym czasie Tel: 0333 0342316 PRZEJDŹ DO PORTALU

  • Introduction | Managing Your New Home

    WSTĘP Mamy nadzieję, że ta informacja jest dla Ciebie przydatna. Przeprowadzka może być czasem próby i wiemy, że ustatkowanie się po przeprowadzce zajmuje trochę czasu. Nowe otoczenie, różne systemy, dziwne procedury – wszystko to składa się na niezłe doświadczenie, ale takie, które chcemy, abyś był zadowolony! „Zarządzanie nowym domem” pozwoli ci lepiej zrozumieć, czego możesz oczekiwać od nowej nieruchomości. Być może nie posiadałeś wcześniej zupełnie nowego domu ani nie mieszkałeś w nim, ale nawet dla wtajemniczonych technologie stale ewoluują i uważamy, że warto poświęcić trochę czasu na przeczytanie tych informacji. Możliwe, że czasami będziesz musiał zgłosić problem. W przeważającej części będzie to niewielkie lub po prostu irytujące, ale mimo to wymaga poprawy. MYNH chce pomóc zapewnić, że w takich momentach możemy pomóc w rozwiązaniu problemu tak szybko i bezboleśnie, jak to możliwe. Twój programista mógł udostępnić Ci szczegóły Portalu Occupant, za pośrednictwem którego musisz zgłaszać wszystkie problemy. Równie dobrze możesz już otrzymać pakiet powitalny od After Build, wiodącej niezależnej organizacji ogólnokrajowej , zatrudnianej przez wielu programistów w celu zapewnienia Twojej opieki posprzedażowej. Jeśli w ciągu pierwszych 2 lat po legalnym zakończeniu (12 miesięcy w przypadku większości nieruchomości należących do spółdzielni mieszkaniowych) coś w twoim domu ulegnie uszkodzeniu, twój deweloper lub wyznaczony przez niego przedstawiciel ds. załatwić sprawę. Zwyczajowo deweloper poleca pierwotnemu podwykonawcy, odpowiedzialnemu za Twój problem, powrót i naprawienie zgłoszonego przez Ciebie problemu, ponieważ był on zaangażowany w budowę i wykończenie Twojego nowego domu. Punktem wyjścia podczas zarządzania usterką jest zdiagnozowanie prawdopodobnej przyczyny, a tym samym zidentyfikowanie odpowiedniej branży, której należy poinstruować, aby naprawiła wszelkie wady produkcyjne lub materiałowe. proces, jednak czasami może to potrwać nieco dłużej, gdy trzeba zamówić materiały. Deweloper jest odpowiedzialny za pracę zgodnie ze standardami określonymi przez dostawcę 10-letniej gwarancji i stosowanie ich zawsze, gdy jest to związane z zarządzaniem usterką.

  • MYNH | Managing Your New Home

    KUPIONY A NOWY DOM? Oto wszystko, co myślimy o Tobie kiedykolwiek będzie musiał wiedzieć. OUR LIST 1 Introduction 2 What you need to know 3 Report a defect 4 Report an emergency 5 Moving in 6 Warranty checklist 7 Top tips 8 Plumbing 9 Decorating 10 Appliances 11 Light bulbs 12 Solar panels 13 Underfloor heating 14 Security alarms 15 Smoke and heat alarms 16 External 17 Managing Agents 18 Useful telephone numbers 19 How-To videos 20 Instructional videos

  • Floor | Managing Your New Home

    FLOOR Is the problem ... Fitted carpet has stretched and is wrinkled ? Guidance: If you had an independent contractor fit your carpet you must go back to that contractor, otherwise, if the fitted carpet was a feature of the new build, report it as a defect - all you need do in the description box is quote the code FCS and state: * Which room (nothing else, no explanation, just this) . Laminate floor has gaps opening ? Guidance: If you had an independent contractor fit your laminate flooring you must go back to that contractor, otherwise, if the flooring was a feature of the new build, report it as a defect - all you need do in the description box is quote the code LFG and state: * Which room * LVT (luxury vinyl tile) or engineered wood (nothing else, no explanation, just this) . Tiled floor has cracked in places ? Guidance: Report it as a defect - all you need do in the description box is quote the code CTF and state: * Which room (nothing else, no explanation, just this) . Tiled floor grout has cracked in places ? Guidance: Report it as a defect - all you need do in the description box is quote the code CTG and state: * Which room (nothing else, no explanation, just this) . SELF-DIAGNOSIS Useful checklist If you have just moved in, here are some important reminders: APPLIANCE WARRANTIES Don't forget to complete all of the warranty cards for your fitted electrical appliances. Keep a copy and send them off to the manufacturer. Should you ever need to report a fault, you know they will have proof of your cover. BOILER SERVICE Make a note in your diary to book a service in 12 months time. Failure to maintain annual services could invalidate your warranty cover. WATER AND GAS SHUT-OFF VALVE Make sure you (and other responsible members of the household) know where to find the shut-off valves for water supply and (if applicable) gas. METER READINGS Make a note of your meter readings for your electricity supply, water and gas (if applicable). Keep it somewhere safe. HOW TO ... There are various 'maintenance' tasks you will need to perform around your home, from time-to-time. Take a look at our 'How To ' videos.

  • Winter | Managing Your New Home

    DLA PROGRAMISTÓW ARCURA Jeśli napotkasz problem z produktem lub instalacją firmy ARCURA i chcesz go zgłosić firmie ARCURA, skorzystaj z formularza Portal to zrobić. Zostałeś wstępnie zarejestrowany, a szczegóły przesłane do Ciebie e-mailem. Jeśli ty chcesz zgłosić problem, po prostu „ZALOGUJ SIĘ” i przejdź do „ZGŁOŚ NOWY PROBLEM”. Kiedy zgłaszasz a nowy problem, ważne jest, aby podać następujące informacje:

  • Posts | Managing Your New Home

    POSTS Is the problem ... The post has become loose ? Guidance: There may be a tiny degree of play if pushed hard, however the post should be safely secured at the base. If you believe that this is not the case, report it as a defect - all you need do in the description box is quote the code PBL and state: * Which Post (top or bottom) (nothing else, no explanation, just this code) . SELF-DIAGNOSIS Useful checklist If you have just moved in, here are some important reminders: APPLIANCE WARRANTIES Don't forget to complete all of the warranty cards for your fitted electrical appliances. Keep a copy and send them off to the manufacturer. Should you ever need to report a fault, you know they will have proof of your cover. BOILER SERVICE Make a note in your diary to book a service in 12 months time. Failure to maintain annual services could invalidate your warranty cover. WATER AND GAS SHUT-OFF VALVE Make sure you (and other responsible members of the household) know where to find the shut-off valves for water supply and (if applicable) gas. METER READINGS Make a note of your meter readings for your electricity supply, water and gas (if applicable). Keep it somewhere safe. HOW TO ... There are various 'maintenance' tasks you will need to perform around your home, from time-to-time. Take a look at our 'How To ' videos.

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